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Sneaky Supermarkets (polite title)

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M&S, they of the good quality and stainless returns policy, are the culprits this time. Of all people.


Their '£10 meal and a bottle of wine' deal has changed and you may not have noticed it. It is now 'Main Meal, Side and Sweet + a Free Bottle of wine'


We just bought all the cheapest options and it came to £10:98p. Therefore a 10% increase in price, minimum probably more.


Why can't they be honest. In deed, price and appearance. Don't they realise that a provider who is trusted will reap massive benefits/profits. But what we have is misleading, untrustworthy and dishonest (in everything except the small print) in all aspects of commercial and media activity.


It's one of the functions of social media to tell it like it is and forewarn us all.


Let us know about the latest (legal) deception here.


Co-op = 5 pork pies done up to look like six. More expensive packaging but also more profit for the co-op, obviously.

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I am not sure if I have bought the M&S' 10 pound deal, but I have seen this in Waitrose and Tesco before. They do tend to be a bit mix and match.


For M&S, my annoyance is that, they had this great "mix and match" concept, but then they changed it without clarity. It is "mix and match" on meat and poultry, and then another type of "mix and match" (of ready made meals).


If they get any more confusing, I will just stop going in. I rather know what I am buying and why I am buying that. I feel like I am getting too old to play this sort of games all the time.


It is bad marketing basically. Like their discount method, which is still okay. They overinflates something and then bring it back down to the original "average price". Like their 1kg continental biscuits are around 16 pounds during Christmas. It was actually around 5 pounds in the past, and it crept up to 8 pounds. Then when it jumped double digit, I refused to buy it. Either take it off the shelve, produce half the size or do not produce it at all.


Sometimes I used to think that as much as you introduce intelligent tools for the company for marketing, it sure actually does not always add value, and it can turn people away when it is too confusing.

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M&S, they of the good quality and stainless returns policy, are the culprits this time. Of all people.


Their '£10 meal and a bottle of wine' deal has changed and you may not have noticed it. It is now 'Main Meal, Side and Sweet + a Free Bottle of wine'


We just bought all the cheapest options and it came to £10:98p. Therefore a 10% increase in price, minimum probably more.


Why can't they be honest. In deed, price and appearance. Don't they realise that a provider who is trusted will reap massive benefits/profits. But what we have is misleading, untrustworthy and dishonest (in everything except the small print) in all aspects of commercial and media activity.


It's one of the functions of social media to tell it like it is and forewarn us all.


Let us know about the latest (legal) deception here.


Co-op = 5 pork pies done up to look like six. More expensive packaging but also more profit for the co-op, obviously.


When was the last time you saw an advert by a company saying thy are raising the price of something?


The £10 meal deal has been around for a number of years. Everything goes up in price over time, including to retailers from wholesalers. They could lower the quality, and people like you would moan about that, they could reduce the size, and again, people like you would complain about that, or they can maintain both and increase the price a little, not disregarding their own quality guarantee or making customers feel like they are getting less for the same price.


You have a choice, plus you have nothing to complain about as long as the retailer is clearly pricing their products, and as M&S are, you making a mountain out of a molehill here.

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It's a pity the trolls have got going on this subject instead of grasping the main point of the post. A kind of Stockholm syndrome. Why are they opposing my point and backing the enemy?



We knew that the new deal was not £10.

We did read the price labels.


Wex has got it, all be it in a backwards way. Are you a retailer? I think not. Just because you understand their tactics don't make it right.

All trolls - Please include positive comments or alternative suggestions in future nit-picking and insults


While I'm at it I would like to see the following points as a matter of law.


1. No prices to end in 99

2. Only regular sizes where ever possible 50g, 100g, 150, 200g, etc.

3. No reduction in quality or quantity whilst retaining the same packaging and price. Putting on information, like weight and price, in small print doesn't count.

4. No use of imperial and/or metric in the same store allowed, let alone on the same product. Lets settle for metric it makes the maths easier ...................except in the pub ;-).

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A troll is someone who says/writes something to get a reaction. So far the only person trying to do this is you. People who disagree with you are not trolls :roll:


And I'm not a retailer, I'm just a customer like you who has the opportunity to make a choice on the information given at the time of selection and purchase. No one lied to you and no one deceived you. You made a choice based on the clear information given to you in the shop.


You do know that M&S have a customer satisfaction guarantee, so if you were not fully happy you could have got your money back. But that would mean you couldn't moan about it here.

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