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Sneaky Supermarkets (polite title)

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It's a pity the trolls have got going on this subject instead of grasping the main point of the post. A kind of Stockholm syndrome. Why are they opposing my point and backing the enemy?



We knew that the new deal was not £10.

We did read the price labels.




So what exactly are you complaining about then? That prices have gone up a little bit?

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It's a pity the trolls have got going on this subject instead of grasping the main point of the post. A kind of Stockholm syndrome. Why are they opposing my point and backing the enemy?



We knew that the new deal was not £10.

We did read the price labels.


Wex has got it, all be it in a backwards way. Are you a retailer? I think not. Just because you understand their tactics don't make it right.

All trolls - Please include positive comments or alternative suggestions in future nit-picking and insults


While I'm at it I would like to see the following points as a matter of law.


1. No prices to end in 99

2. Only regular sizes where ever possible 50g, 100g, 150, 200g, etc.

3. No reduction in quality or quantity whilst retaining the same packaging and price. Putting on information, like weight and price, in small print doesn't count.

4. No use of imperial and/or metric in the same store allowed, let alone on the same product. Lets settle for metric it makes the maths easier ...................except in the pub ;-).


So you think we're trolls because we don't agree with you?


And basically you think it's unjust somehow that the price of something went up... There's not much to say to that really. Prices change, accept it or shop elsewhere...

There is no enemy, the shops sell goods, we buy goods, it's a symbiotic relationship.

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I really don't get what your beef is. Are you saying that M&S have discontinued the £10 meal offer and repaced it with a different offer and you feel somewhat aggrieved by this???

Surely that can't be it?


I think the rant of the OP is that the 10 pound deal has changed its own condition again, and even when checked out, it went over the marketing definition of it being 10 only. So it comes across to the shopper as "you can only have this or this one but not this one, but I won't tell you which one and you have to guess" kind of beef.


Normally in some of the other supermarkets I have seen, I can see clearly that the store has made at least an effort to state what the conditions are. They are more or less like "take 1 from each shelf".


1 starter

1 main meal

1 dessert

1 wine or chocolate


4 items for 10 pounds.


When they start to play silly stupid marketing games, then this is where they will lose their customers and is not likely to get any further customs. Especially if they have taken the time to build up these so called "10 pound deals" to begin with, and gained momentum over the years. To suddenly have that pulled underneath you is absolutely annoying.


I am also sure that M&S' 10 pound deals used to be more higher priced. Like one big main meal and a bottle of wine.


So it's like one of their 7 pound ready made bolognaise weighing 1kg, and a bottle of wine, which is normally say 8+5 = 13. So that 500g with 2 glasses of wine is better than going out to eat in a restaurant, as it comes to say 5 pounds each.


To suddenly change from that to say :

1 main meal of 500g

1 bottle of wine

1 dessert of 2 x 30g pot



It is not nice to walk into a shop, grab something and then check that you thought you were paranoid for thinking that the item you have picked up has shrank, but in effect, the store has changed their stupid policy, and under cut you. You go home, thinking that you have had 500g of meat and carb that day ready to go to the gym, then to cannot even lift the weight and you wondered "what's wrong now, is this old age" ??? :suspect: Great.


(This is why I rather go to the Moor's Market. I see chicken breasts, I buy chicken breasts. I don't think too much, and I can RELY on them. I do not stand in front of the stupid M&S fridge and do some mental calculation each time I go there. That is not the best way to spend one's time, and it is not the most efficient either.)


---------- Post added 28-02-2014 at 12:02 ----------


M&S is actually dropping their ball, even on the great ideas that they have built up with over the years, which is a shame.






Their sales are falling over, and that is why they are not as the preferred choice now. They did overinflate their own prices, and actually did not keep a steady hand or hold on their own production, and sale prices either. Because of this kind of mickey mouse games, I think even I have turned away from using them. As that trust is kind of broken as well.


People are turning to Aldi and Lidl, why ? Why do M&S store have both cheap biscuits at 60p or 80p per packet, and then the fancy ones with chocolates were at 16 pounds ? When in previous years it slowly crept up to 10 pounds ? They want to be a Fortnam and Mason, but then they fell short of this and on the quality too. People are now going to Aldi and Lidl cos of their pricing reliability at least. Even though I know that some of M&S' suppliers are the same type as other local brands too. They are playing a very risky game. M&S had been a reliable British brand but this kind of mickey mouse game is really kind of setting them back a lot. I also noticed that they did not continue their "Christmas sales" either just before and up to Christmas, which they did do in previous years. Over the whole year, their prices remained strong and not discounted to continually entice shoppers. Pricing stays' in one's mind that is the thing.

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The OP made this really unclear. What is he complaining about?


1. That the meal deal for £10 was not on, so buying all the items individually cost him £10.98? Isnt the point that the individual items should cost more than £10? Which they do?


2. That the meal deal has been changed and you get less items for your £10? Salsafan raused the point. Is it that the meal deal used to include a starter and now it doesnt?


3. Is he complaining about the fact that if the meal deal had been on then the saving would only have been 98p and somehow he had been let down?



Would the OP care to explain his gripe again?

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M&S, they of the good quality and stainless returns policy, are the culprits this time. Of all people.


Their '£10 meal and a bottle of wine' deal has changed and you may not have noticed it. It is now 'Main Meal, Side and Sweet + a Free Bottle of wine'


We just bought all the cheapest options and it came to £10:98p. Therefore a 10% increase in price, minimum probably more.


Why can't they be honest. In deed, price and appearance. Don't they realise that a provider who is trusted will reap massive benefits/profits. But what we have is misleading, untrustworthy and dishonest (in everything except the small print) in all aspects of commercial and media activity.


It's one of the functions of social media to tell it like it is and forewarn us all.


Let us know about the latest (legal) deception here.


Co-op = 5 pork pies done up to look like six. More expensive packaging but also more profit for the co-op, obviously.


I noticed this yesterday.


I usually check when the deal is on online before heading down to M&S to buy, assuming there is something I want.


When I checked it the other day I didn't notice immediately that it was no longer a £10 deal, but when I looked a second time it registered.


I had a walk down to M&S at lunchtime to have a look at how the pricing compared with the previous £10 meal deal. Had I purchased the items I would normally have got on this deal, it would have come to about £13.


At £10 it's a decent offer, but at £13 I'm not going to bother.


I suspect there will be quite a few people who don't read the offer properly assuming it's the £10 meal deal and end up with quite a surprise at the checkout.


I guess it's a case of caveat emptor (buyer beware).


I think it's a bit sneaky on the part of M&S.





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