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Sneaky Supermarkets (polite title)

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The clue is in the title.


The meal deal 2 is being presented in the same way as the deal 1.

However, they've changed the terms which results in an increase in price.


In deal 1 if you want the best value you select the most expensive items.

In deal 2 if you want the best value you select the cheapest items.


In any event it costs more.


The ideal of the posting was to highlight what I call sharp practice by retailers and misleading or off subject comments by the media. The latter shown to good effect on this thread!


Only 'salsafan', in her usual verbose style, seemed to get the point.


I prefer the Wikipedia definition of troll's


If there are few genuine responses to the subject it will sink down the lists. I am dismayed to have my title at the top of a subject that is full of many posters who specialise in missing the point. When we read your names, our hearts sink. I am unlikely to post on this subject again.


Edit- several supportive comments have been made since I wrote the above - Thankyou

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You mean salsafan sat there and agreed with you and shared the whine yes?


No one is specialising in missing the point. Most people are just not agreeing with you. The deal has changed, the advertising also has changed - there is simply nothing to see here and certainly no "story" about a mean retailer.

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