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Vulnerable man starved to death after his benefits were cut

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Having had 2 members in my family with mental health problems I know how difficult it is at times to help them. They may totally refuse all help, become violent, refuse to even communicate. You will more than likely be completely unable to help them and having watched someone being sectioned is not a pretty sight.


Yes I'd agree with that. I've had some first hand experience myself.


It's easy to criticise. Anyway it sounds like the family did what they could.

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This poor mans family should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen and oh how so typical of todays generation to turn right around and blame the government. They were his family and yet they let him waste away for 4 months?????


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This poor mans family should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen and oh how so typical of todays generation to turn right around and blame the government. They were his family and yet they let him waste away for 4 months?????



"He was quite a proud person. He would have wanted to be seen as normal. He was desperate to get by as normal," she said. He was reluctant to call for help from his family. "He didn't want to impose on our mother. He wanted to survive without her help."


It's possible his family may not have known.


I think this is the most significant difference is this.


"She is angry Atos did not seek medical evidence from her brother's GP, and made the assessment that he was capable of preparing to return to work after a half-hour interview at his home. The Atos report concluded his mental state was "normal"


"Concerned about his patient's condition, Wood's doctor, Nicholas Ward, wrote a letter for Wood to pass to the jobcentre in support of his benefits application, stating that he was "extremely unwell and absolutely unfit for any work whatsoever".


"The letter, presented to the inquest, stated that his anxiety disorder and obsessional traits had been made "significantly worse" because of the pressure put on him by benefit changes. It continued: "Please do not stop or reduce his benefits as this will have ongoing, significant impact on his mental health. He simply is not well enough to cope with this extra stress. His mental and medical condition is extremely serious."

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He was a grown man living his own life. It doesn't sound as though he sought help. It's not unusual for grown children not to see their parents or families for a few months.

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This poor mans family should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen and oh how so typical of todays generation to turn right around and blame the government. They were his family and yet they let him waste away for 4 months?????



Have you even read the article linked in by the OP? Or read on the internet about his case.


No. Thought not. A typical knee jerk reaction from someone poorly informed :rolleyes:

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Yes. All of it which makes the rest of your post pretty redundant and factually incorrect :)


Okay then smart arse - given that his family were unaware shortly before his death that even his benefits had been stopped (which his GP has said triggered his mental health to decline even further). What should his family have done for the Aspergers suffering man with OCD and an eating disorder?

And what's with the stupid smiley?

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