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Vulnerable man starved to death after his benefits were cut

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What makes me think that the family knew about his situation before he died?


From the Guardian artcle you linked with your post:

He was reluctant to ask relatives for help and they were unaware his benefits payments had been removed until shortly before he died.


Not sure if your satirising the reactionary views expressed on here Mecky, but I DO NOT share them


So you agree with me then?

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He was a grown man living his own life. It doesn't sound as though he sought help. It's not unusual for grown children not to see their parents or families for a few months.


No man is an island. Society is built on empathy, not money. If a person dies within a group, and we let that person dies, and we don't even step in and also help, then we fail ourselves as humans. I noticed that a lot of people "blame the process" but how many actually took the responsibility into their own hands, and actually DO something ? Persuade the man to live with them. Or to help the man back onto his feet and grounding. Or to even talk to him to keep him focused and motivated until he figures out what he wants to do next.

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Yes, that's what I said in post 19.


OK, I was just clearing up because you said you agree with me in your post (number 19) but in you post (number 40) you said you don't share my views

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This poor mans family should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen and oh how so typical of todays generation to turn right around and blame the government. They were his family and yet they let him waste away for 4 months?????



I cant but help to think the same thing. plus if you read the article, this bit stands out "It was not clear whether the letter reached the jobcentre." Therefore if there was no other evidence I can see why the assessors didn't take his mental state into account.


Would he have had his benefits cut if the letter had been passed on, I don't know, but I would have thought this doctors professional opinion would have counted for something.


Who is to blame? I suspect many would like to blame the government, but is the doctor blameless? If Mr Wood was so vulnerable, why did he not take it upon himself to notify the Jobcentre himself. Then you have the mans family, where were they while this man starved to death over a 3 month period?


I cant help but thing there were plenty of opportunities for others to get involved and help this man but they all sat on their hands.

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It is therefore a scandal that Remploy has been severely curtailed.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-17288762 Cached


With my job I do (sorry can't disclose it on here) I come into contact with people who are on benefits that get them sactioned.


A lot of these people do have vulnerabilities of varying degree's. In their time on ESA before being booted to JSA then sanctioned they get little or no support. Many of these people are struggling to manage everything else their lives without stopping their income.


I'm sorry that this upsets the people who usually shout Scrounger.

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With my job I do (sorry can't disclose it on here) I come into contact with people who are on benefits that get them sactioned.


A lot of these people do have vulnerabilities of varying degree's. In their time on ESA before being booted to JSA then sanctioned they get little or no support. Many of these people are struggling to manage everything else their lives without stopping their income.


I'm sorry that this upsets the people who usually shout Scrounger.


I think Aspergers is a particularly difficult illness to deal with. There are many functioning aspergers sufferers out there holding down full time jobs, but there are also many who can't.


It's also difficult to diagnose, and all but the worst cases get very little help.

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I wasn't even aware that ATOS don't even pat Corporation Tax!




So they carry out billions of pounds worth of tax payer funded work, getting scroungers back into work (and they can't even do that properly), yet they employ tax aviodance schemes.


Why do we need Spitting Image and satire, when reality is even more preposterous!

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I wasn't even aware that ATOS don't even pat Corporation Tax!




So they carry out billions of pounds worth of tax payer funded work, getting scroungers back into work (and they can't even do that properly), yet they employ tax aviodance schemes.


Why do we need Spitting Image and satire, when reality is even more preposterous!


Did you know that the HMRC's buildings where sold off to a company that is based in a tax haven 12 years ago.



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