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Vulnerable man starved to death after his benefits were cut

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I wasn't even aware that ATOS don't even pat Corporation Tax!




So they carry out billions of pounds worth of tax payer funded work, getting scroungers back into work (and they can't even do that properly), yet they employ tax aviodance schemes.


Why do we need Spitting Image and satire, when reality is even more preposterous!


No, I didn't know they don't pay Corporation tax either! And I bet not many other people do either as they've kept it very quiet.


I can't think of a single reason why they should be exempt, so I wonder whose idea that was? And who is getting rich off of it?


---------- Post added 02-03-2014 at 19:22 ----------


That's great.:) I'm sorry for my previous comment.


You're forgiven:):)

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It is therefore a scandal that Remploy has been severely curtailed.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-17288762 Cached


Good point. Are there many altruistic employers out there who go out of their way to employ people with mental disabilities?

A neighbour of ours' daughter, who still lives with her parents is now in her early 20s, and has been trying and trying, bless her, to get a full time job since she left school. She's a lovely lass, who'd do anything for anyone, but she's not got a lot of sense, any employee would be taking on quite a responsibility, as a carer more than an employer really. Surprise surprise, she's had knock back after knock back, and still the job centre puts them through the same old box ticking. She has a little part time job now, and she loves it, but it's not good enough for DWP. Thankfully, her parents are supportive, but they don't have a lot themselves, and god knows what would happen if they weren't around any more.


Yes, a lot of people are capable of doing something work-wise, but how does someone with a mental age of 10 (or other mental disabilities, mental illnesses) compete for a job along with everyone else ?

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No, I didn't know they don't pay Corporation tax either! And I bet not many other people do either as they've kept it very quiet.


I can't think of a single reason why they should be exempt, so I wonder whose idea that was? And who is getting rich off of it?


I don't think they are exempt. They could easily be owned by a larger company that offsets all its losses though them. In the same way The Guardian news paper is used so its also pays no tax.

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Why are his family blaming the government and not themselves?


This poor mans family should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen and oh how so typical of todays generation to turn right around and blame the government. They were his family and yet they let him waste away for 4 months?????



Some people just can't be helped.


Nonsense, you don't give up on family. You do what is necessary and if that means having them sectioned for their own safety then you do it.


---------- Post added 02-03-2014 at 10:29 ----------



What kind of family doesn't check up on relatives that are known to be ill for months on end?


Of course they'll care now, there's a possibility of some free cash in the form of compensation.


A cynical view I'll grant you but doesn't make it any less true.



Have you seen this story, it's enough to make your blood boil!!!






Days after being taken off income support, Sheila Holt is sectioned in a psychiatric hospital then has a heart attack. She is then pursued by ATOS while in a coma, to ask why she isn't working.


Can you Adam and Eve it!!!


Aren't any of you 3 going to ask the obvious question???

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[if I had a mentally disabled relative' date= one whom was living by himself and was known to be too proud to ask for help I would not leave it more than 7 days without checking up on him, never mind 4 months. Resident QUOTE]


If you did have a mentally disabled relative you would know how difficult this is. They might refuse to even open the door to you or speak to you at all. They might become violent, what would you do then? Send for the doctor who would also be refused entry. The doctor would then send for another doctor (it takes 2 to section someone) who would send for the police and an ambulance. Then you could watch while they broke down the door and used whatever force is necessary (physical restraint, handcuffs etc.) regardless even of the age or sex of that person. Lets suppose they spoke to you without opening the door and they told you they were fine, what would YOU do next? Remember it's your relative and you have been worn down after years of trying to look after them. Sidonica


Good post Sidonica! Its takes a mountain of paperwork, time , corporation and emotions to make some progress. Well done hope you get some support for yourself.


The Vulnerable man was also Autistic and not flagged as high risk.


People like Resident & Co live in bubble who have no idea about the real world...

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Good post Sidonica! Its takes a mountain of paperwork, time , corporation and emotions to make some progress. Well done hope you get some support for yourself.


The Vulnerable man was also Autistic and not flagged as high risk.


People like Resident & Co live in bubble who have no idea about the real world...


Ooooh it's all in bold, it must be right. :hihi:


It's people like yourself that live in this bubble you speak of. The "nothing ever comes under the umbrella of personal/familial responsibility, wait till it goes wrong and blame the authorities, might get some compo" bubble.


I'll repeat, what type of family, with a known member suffering from illness, either physical or mental, to the severity of this poor soul doesn't check up on them for THREE MONTHS (see I can do the bold thing too)

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Ooooh it's all in bold, it must be right. :hihi:


It's people like yourself that live in this bubble you speak of. The "nothing ever comes under the umbrella of personal/familial responsibility, wait till it goes wrong and blame the authorities, might get some compo" bubble.


I'll repeat, what type of family, with a known member suffering from illness, either physical or mental, to the severity of this poor soul doesn't check up on them for THREE MONTHS (see I can do the bold thing too)


I haven't seen one of my sisters for three years, so what? And perhaps if she required help maybe I wouldn't be the best person to ask and I'd very much doubt she'd ask for help anyway. We've already gone over this.

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If someone is vulnerable due to health issues (mental or physical), or has a learning disability, then they should have links to the relevant statutory services. Its disgraceful that anyone who needs help is left struggling alone. However, there are some where people who do need help don't want it, or don't want to admit it.


Its possible that this was the situation for this man, but a headline saying 'Vulnerable man who didn't want help from anyone died after not eating for months' wouldn't catch people's interest in the same way. :(


Its a very sad story, there seemed to be no regular support for this man. Although his doctor wrote a letter, there was no guarantee it got to the intended recipient. Perhaps the GP would have made more of an impact by ensuring the man had support from an organisation like the CAB. I also wonder why he didn't have contact with a CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse)?

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I haven't seen one of my sisters for three years, so what? And perhaps if she required help maybe I wouldn't be the best person to ask and I'd very much doubt she'd ask for help anyway. We've already gone over this.


Is your sister mentally/physically disabled? If not then the length of time you've not seen her is irrelevant here. Plus I suspect it's because there's some distance between the two of you. This guy's family lived in the same area.

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If someone is vulnerable due to health issues (mental or physical), or has a learning disability, then they should have links to the relevant statutory services. Its disgraceful that anyone who needs help is left struggling alone. However, there are some where people who do need help don't want it, or don't want to admit it.


Its possible that this was the situation for this man, but a headline saying 'Vulnerable man who didn't want help from anyone died after not eating for months' wouldn't catch people's interest in the same way. :(


Its a very sad story, there seemed to be no regular support for this man. Although his doctor wrote a letter, there was no guarantee it got to the intended recipient. Perhaps the GP would have made more of an impact by ensuring the man had support from an organisation like the CAB. I also wonder why he didn't have contact with a CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse)?


Unfortunately there is no regular help for a great many people who need it. Mental health issues come way down the list.

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