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Sometimes there is a bigger picture, that is purposely obscured.

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You just cannot make this up, how can anyone believe such hypocrisy? Mr. John Kerry said in an interview with NBC’s “You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests,” Meet the Press.


The United States government does not give a dam about the concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity, when convenient.


Certainly not in Syria, or in Libya, ever mind Iraq and Afghanistan and as for the US own history of military actions all over the globe, this must be the most ridiculous lie since weapons of mass destruction. But maybe they are relying on the concept of: repeat the lie often enough and people will eventually accept it as the truth?


Also, what about the constant relentless threats to use force and military invasions in Iran and Syria?


Its fine for Israeli occupation of Palestine, to let Israel imprison a population in Gaza, with continuous ethnic cleansing through mass building projects all against International law, which the US both financially support and condones.

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You just cannot make this up, how can anyone believe such hypocrisy? Mr. John Kerry said in an interview with NBC’s “You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests,” Meet the Press.


Too true. I nearly spilled my mug of tea laughing at that when I read it this morning.

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One warning only - if you cannot remain civil I will issue bans.


Could you please clarify who or what was considered far from civil? I have read through all the posts and they are generally up to the usual standard.


Please clarify for everyone the problem

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Could you please clarify who or what was considered far from civil? I have read through all the posts and they are generally up to the usual standard.


Please clarify for everyone the problem


Same here, unless mort has cancelled a post after our posts.

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Washington is trying for the first time in its history, to show it can overthrow three governments simultaneously: Syria, Ukraine and Venezuela. The U.S. narrative is based on the same principles: accuse governments of killing their own citizens, qualify opponents as ’democratic’; impose sanctions against the "murderers" and ultimately operate coups.


The United States government works with anyone they need to work with, to accomplish their objectives, as in Syria-they are working with Muslim extremist terrorist groups to overthrow the Assad government in Syria. They did the same thing in Libya to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi, and the same tactics have been used in Ukraine, and Venezuela.


So in Ukraine the United States government decided to work with the neo-Nazis, fascists, right sector, Bandera people, those who trace their origins back to the German invasion of Ukraine and exterminating millions of Ukrainians, including maybe 2 million Jews. In Syria it is training and arming the extremist terrorist rebels, while not providing such missile systems that could be used against Israel of course. In Venezuela. after a failed attempt to overthrow Chevaz attempting to, his successor, democratically elected, is experiencing the Ukraine effect.


Each time, the movement begins with a demonstration during which peaceful opponents are killed, and where both sides accuse each other of violence. In fact U.S. or NATO special forces placed on rooftops shoot at both the crowd and the police. This was the case in Daraa (Syria) in 2011, Kiev (Ukraine) and Caracas (Venezuela) this week. Alas for bad luck: autopsies in Venezuela show that two victims, one opponent and one pro-government, were killed by the same weapon.


The United States has overthrown at least 70 governments.












For those who wish to investigate further than pushing a button the books:


William Blum’s Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II ............Will get the juices flowing


Stephen Kinzer’s book Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, but it is not the complete list





You are servant to a political line of thought very obviously. No resemblance to an impartial oberver of world affairs

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You are servant to a political line of thought very obviously. No resemblance to an impartial oberver of world affairs


Its a shame I do not veer from facts, actual recorded events, which you obviously do not bother to investigate, and thus seal the obvious ignorance with opinion. This attitude to not allow facts to get in the way of a good OPINION, is ALSO what I notice the BBC utilities, as most if not all presenters/ interviewers ask repeatedly regardless of the IMPORTANCE OF THE subject matter, "how do you feel about it" or word to that effect, mentioning the word feel. This allows opinions to rule the day and sod investigating any further than superficial speculation which then is presented in the next sentence as facts. So I see where you are coming from.


Education is the key to questioning everything, not presenting opinion as done facts. But then again one must not expect too much from the educationally challenged. One also cannot teach new tricks to them that cannot cope with their shortcomings.

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