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Is it better to die than to live?

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Suppose it's true that after death, some of us will be transformed into something better then taken to a better place.


Does this mean that it's better to die than to live?


That depends, if it's an eternity of horror and torment, or being in a state of perpetual confusion, then I'd say it's better to be alive.


To be honest, if it's an eternity of anything at all, I'd say it's better to be alive.


---------- Post added 02-03-2014 at 21:44 ----------


I'll tell you exactly what it feels like to be dead, it feels like before you were born.


I think that'd be better said as "before you were conceived" or some people might think that being dead is like being inside a warm cosy womb.

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I think you need to get out more. :rolleyes:


Really? Why would you think that? Is this subject too mentally challenging for you or something, or too delicate for you to debate perhaps?


What's your problem?

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Really? Why would you think that? Is this subject too mentally challenging for you or something, or too delicate for you to debate perhaps?


What's your problem?


It's a crock of s h 1 t debate that's why, you don't get to come back and let everyone know how ace it is to be dead, whether your extinguished being is enjoying the after-party of all after-parties or not...bit of a non-starter that one love...


Save it for your circle of friends after a few too many Dubonnets...

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It's a crock of s h 1 t debate that's why, you don't get to come back and let everyone know how ace it is to be dead, whether your extinguished being is enjoying the after-party of all after-parties or not...bit of a non-starter that one love...


Save it for your circle of friends after a few too many Dubonnets...


Why is it a crock of s h 1 t debate? Millions of people throughout the world actually believe that they're going to transcend to something/somewhere better after death.. Would you care to elaborate on what it is that you're crock of s h 1 t remark is in reference to? Or am I right in assuming that you were referring to debating their belief?

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Really? Why would you think that? Is this subject too mentally challenging for you or something, or too delicate for you to debate perhaps?
Not in the slightest. I love a mental or philosophical challenge. It's just that this isn't one. It's meaningless, unanswerable and thus scarcely worth worrying about.


What's your problem?
The problem (and it is not mine specifically, more yours) is probably semantic. You cannot meaningfully ask us to compare existence or experience when dead, with existence or experience when alive ('Is it better to be dead than alive?'), as if it's some sort of rational choice which we can make, based on knowledge of both states. Clearly it isn't, and we cannot. Even the most deluded of religious fanatics, who might claim that they knew what the hereafter is going to be like and that it was going to be an improvement on life before death, would be unlikely to be able to compare the two in any serious fashion. Furthermore, you are assuming that everyone's experience of life is the same, when it isn't.


So if you want us to debate your question rationally, you are going to have to use language (to frame your question) more helpfully.


I suggested you get out more because you seem to have too much time on your hands. First world problems...

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Why is it a crock of s h 1 t debate? Millions of people throughout the world actually believe that they're going to transcend to something/somewhere better after death.. Would you care to elaborate on what it is that you're crock of s h 1 t remark is in reference to? Or am I right in assuming that you were referring to debating their belief?


You asked 'Is it better to be dead or alive'...how can you debate something that you've no idea about...if you're dead...you're dead, even if you're lounging on a sun-bed enjoying the best of what you expected, how do you communicate your happiness back to Sheffield Forum to debate it?

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On Christmas Day 1990,I was rushed to hospital with a burst gall bladder. During the operation I had a cardiac arrest which lasted five minutes, till they beat me

on the chest and got me going again. I don't remember a lot about it, but one thing stays in my mind. I was walking along a passage way, and there in front of me was my wife who had died in 1979 from a car crash, she was crying while my mother, who was with her, made a gesture to me to go back. Nobody spoke and it was totally silent. Call it what you will, but it happened. Perhaps it was a kind of hidden wish, I don't know, I had remarried since the accident and was happy with my new wife, and still am after 33 years

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On Christmas Day 1990,I was rushed to hospital with a burst gall bladder. During the operation I had a cardiac arrest which lasted five minutes, till they beat me

on the chest and got me going again. I don't remember a lot about it, but one thing stays in my mind. I was walking along a passage way, and there in front of me was my wife who had died in 1979 from a car crash, she was crying while my mother, who was with her, made a gesture to me to go back. Nobody spoke and it was totally silent. Call it what you will, but it happened. Perhaps it was a kind of hidden wish, I don't know, I had remarried since the accident and was happy with my new wife, and still am after 33 years


Fascinating, but it is hardly a reliable testimony of what life in the next world will be like for the rest of us.


I'm glad you survived though.

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On Christmas Day 1990,I was rushed to hospital with a burst gall bladder. During the operation I had a cardiac arrest which lasted five minutes, till they beat me

on the chest and got me going again. I don't remember a lot about it, but one thing stays in my mind. I was walking along a passage way, and there in front of me was my wife who had died in 1979 from a car crash, she was crying while my mother, who was with her, made a gesture to me to go back. Nobody spoke and it was totally silent. Call it what you will, but it happened. Perhaps it was a kind of hidden wish, I don't know, I had remarried since the accident and was happy with my new wife, and still am after 33 years


I sometimes really like reading your post, you have no idea how much. It keeps it real ! Thank you again for sharing.

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