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BBC £3 million in funding from EU

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Its only £3 mil, why the secrecy ?


And besides that I bet they are watching or listening to our programs anyhow so maybe they should chip in, or does it compromise the Beebs impartiality ?




I think the Bullingdon Boys Club are more of a threat to the independent of the BBC than the EU.

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I don't see anything wrong with it other than being hush hush about it makes it look dodgy, if they were more open about it I doubt it would be talked about.


I'm betting the Tories would love to get it privatised anyhow, so its probably just a small step on a short road.

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So the blog you took it from is all about English nationalism?


From reading the blog it appears to be about individuals applying for EU funding/ grants rather than a concerted effort by BBC management as an agreement with the EU. The EU dished out nearly 7,000m back to the UK tax payer last year in grants and subsidies. They are making a point about just £1m?

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