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Life at Cambridge motor co, Division st 1970's

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Little story pre Second World War Mum, Sheila and Dad ,Jack, before my time. They had been to a dance and on their way to a party dressed in all their finery.Jack had a Lagonda open top sports car and they were making their way through the wicker in Sheffield. Jack pulled up at a junction and whilst stationary tried to kiss Sheila and was rejected in fun. Jack not to be out manovered pulled past the junction and again made his attempts but was rejected. This was at about ten o'clock at night and there were various people about,A mix of revellers and people on their way home after a work shift.Jack got out of the car and slid the drivers seat forward and off its runners.He placed the seat on the road in front of the car which was parked on the tram track.he sat on the seat much to the embarrassment of my mother.The gathering of people now aware of the problem supported Jacks aspirations, which made Sheila cross.A tram pulled up clanging his bell and the driver became involved in the dispute Jack was adamant that he wouldn't budge until Sheila dismounted and delivered the kiss. Next to arrive was the local police man to see what all the fuss was about.He appraised the situation and gave his ultimatum.Jack had to move or he would be arrested on a number of charges including disturbing the peace .All eyes were on Sheila who held the key to resolve the situation which she did by giggling and delivering a passionate kiss much to the appreciation of the gathering.A small round of applause to celebrate the entertainment and the couple went on their way all the richer. .I should have been posted in life and times motorcycle and motoring stories!! :-/


---------- Post added 12-04-2014 at 15:33 ----------


On a Friday lunch time a Sheffield business man arrived to see a Ferrari that was in stock.The car was examined and approved of,so a deal was struck.If I give to much away everybody would guess who it is and that would be unfair. Our buyer made a trip to collect the cash which was literally In pound notes.We set about counting it and as you might imagine there was a lot of it.We kept getting the total different for a while but eventually a tally was approved. Our buyer went on his way a happy man. We would not normally take cash unless we knew the person. Brother mike went home and I hid the cash under the boot floor carpet of a TR6 which we were selling to the trade. I arrived on The Saturday morning and made my self a coffee before going in to the office.Mike was sat behind the desk finishing some paper work. I asked if he had sold some thing,yes he replied ,the TR6. Oh good I said before I realised the significance. What, who to,the Ferrari money is in the boot.There followed a heated discussion.We rang the buyer who Fortunately had gone home.Mike explained that we had left a valuable in the vehicle. When we arrived the new owner could hardly believe his eyes when Mike opened the boot and lifted the carpet and he saw the cash. We took on a night safe after that just in case. Monday morning arrived and our intrepid business man returned with the Ferrari. I can't keep this,I have dreamed of a fatal accident in this car ,you must take it back which we did. A fresh deal was struck.the cash was counted out again and again, and finally reconciled,and the Ferrari was put back in to stock. lol

Edited by David Bee
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  • 3 years later...

hello Mel,good to hear from you.Now 72 but look much younger,however sold my bikes last month after two incidents beyond my control on concecutive days .Once again ,a brilliant piece of riding saved the day,but who was at the controls because I was sat there watching it all unfold like a witness .In one of the incidents a car pulled out of a junction on a bend ,to approach from my left .This was a country B road .I swerved into the on comming lane and the car passed on my left Side.My bike banked over at speed to pass behind him turning in the mouth of the road he turned out of ,to come in on his tail now travelling in the direction I had come from.we were on a down hill stretch of road which widened out on a bend at the bottom of the hill which is where I forced him to stop and through his locked door I complimented him on his ........driving.I will always enjoy the comradeship and mental attitude which pervades a biker but there comes a time where the risk to reward becomes out of balance.This business of people pulling out in front of traffic is as old as the hills but recently it has got much worse and is now out of hand.Well Mell other than that all is well.The seventies and the high jinks of Cambridge Motor co seems almost like a story I told to impress myself ,although it was all very real at the time .Many of the cars we had as you know have values in the millions to day.I could ramble on .Mell keep well and have fun,If you get a hard on don't forget what to do with it ,advancing years can dull the mind and after all non of us ever passed the age of eighteen. Please confirm that you have seen this message.x


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 22:56 ----------


thanks Mell.If you are ever down this way it would be a pleasure to meet up.My treat and I'll take you for a meal at Smoky Joes,what a menue.All comfort food ,steak and kidney pie with prices of kidney the size of grapes,a hungry mans breakfast the size of Scotland and you can order a 32 oz t bone steak .Its a bit like an intergalactic cafe out of Star Wars ,painted pink and frequented by creatures that look as if they might be related to a wookey,however all great fun.I have in the past been band from there but I have now been pardoned ?

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David Bee,ahaha great tale that.ime still riding my Harley and my BMW R1100s but it does get harder every time ime out on them i was thinking of painting a target on my back.Nice to know your fit and well but our glory days are behind us now and at least we have plenty to look back on unlike a lot of the young ones today,no characters for them to remember.A bit of sad news for you Malcolm Hooley died a few weeks ago,there was a lot at his funeral and all the old musicians turned up including John Firminger and Dave Berry he had a good send off.Thanks for the invite i may take you up on that,you could regret it ahaha lack of sleep reminiscing comes to mind.oops before i forgot Walt Dungworths wife Dot passed away last year aged 92 i was with her a couple of days before she went.Nice chatting to you keep in touch Mel PS Garry Marshman has also gone.sad times.

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I used to detour past the Cambridge Motor Co on my way home just to see the unusual American cars there. Favourite was a 58-62 Corvette in a dark grey metallic. Took my camera one day to photograph it but it had gone and I never saw it again. Took a photo of a comparatively dull Camaro in metallic green with gold wheels and a white vinyl roof in compensation. Wasn't as good though.

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