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Child care costs on a par with your mortgage.

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It certainly is a lot, but you'll find that £200 per week is the going rate these days( she lives in Leeds) I think Childminders cost much less. As far as I know there is no breakdown of costs. Cheers.


Most childminders charge same rates as private nurseries especially if they have 'early years'qualifications. They get paid below the minimum pay per hour unless they have more than one child in which case they truly earn it

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Most childminders charge same rates as private nurseries especially if they have 'early years'qualifications. They get paid below the minimum pay per hour unless they have more than one child in which case they truly earn it


But, if you are a self-employed childminder, I guess it could be quite a lucrative little number. Unless there is a limit (by law) on how many kids one qualified CM can look after.

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Been on the BBC news all day.


Child care may be as expensive as your monthly mortgage.


What's the solution?


A parent stays home to look after kids, or they pay a grand parent or great grand parent a few quid to look after the kids.


Childminders round here charge £2.00 to £3.00 an hour.

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A parent stays home to look after kids, or they pay a grand parent or great grand parent a few quid to look after the kids.


Childminders round here charge £2.00 to £3.00 an hour.


I'd say a huge "Ew god no" to the grandparents option. Staying home isn't an option for many people due to the drop in salary.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I'd say a huge "Ew god no" to the grandparents option. Staying home isn't an option for many people due to the drop in salary.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


If they can't afford the child care costs, don't want the grand parents and can't afford to back work in, I would say their option is don't have kids.

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Originally Posted by Moosey


I'd say a huge "Ew god no" to the grandparents option. Staying home isn't an option for many people due to the drop in salary.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


If they can't afford the child care costs, don't want the grand parents and can't afford to back work in, I would say their option is don't have kids.


I didn't realise anyone had said they couldn't afford it? I thought it was a question whether childcare is expensive or not.


For what it's worth I agree with you but I don't think that's the question.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I didn't realise anyone had said they couldn't afford it? I thought it was a question whether childcare is expensive or not.


For what it's worth I agree with you but I don't think that's the question.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


The traditional role of a parent is the care of their children, if they can pay for that care out of their wage and still have money left over then it can't be expensive. The things the I find expensive are the things I can't afford and if I can't afford them, I do with out them.

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Mine are nearly all teenagers now so it's been a long time since we had to pay for childcare. But as I remember it the nurseries were hamstrung by staff-children ratios especially for infants, a whole pile of legislation and standards that need to be met etc... If one staff member is needed for three babies then it must be very difficult to make the numbers stack up. I always used to wonder where the profits came from.

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One has to impoverish the middle class somehow, and childcare makes them struggle, and later on university fees should clear them out. These clowns accept what is called the challenges of rearing children, and many with high salaries would actually be better off o benefits, but that is another story.


Welcome to the NEW Medieval period, where one educates people and the turns them into serfs, wage slaves, struggling to make ends meet, and all the while banging on about parental responsibilities, and scroungers. Keeps them all in line suffering, accepting their fate, and keeping quiet about it, as its their individual problem, their choice, their hardship. Its a joke, and they are the joke, and its fun to watch creatures try and escape from a slippery surface never managing to escape their inevitable miserable fate.

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