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Teacher suspended after tape put over school kids mouths

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A teacher has been suspended following claims that tape was put over the mouths of several pupils.


This story is taking off at the moment.


The teacher was stupid and unprofessional.


Interviews with the parents who are milking it for all its worth.


1. Their kids are angels.

2. Sellotape caused their kids harm and trauma.

3. People were only talking a bit, but not their kids.

4. They are horrified and worried about long term effects.


Probably consulting their lawyers for compensation claims as we speak.


Do we know if any of the parents feinted while these views were put forward?


If so then they'll have to be taken seriously and may have a claim for their own trauma.

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Am I the only one who thinks that this is quite outrageous ? Why would a grown up adult put cellotape on a child's mouth ? Especially one that is not yours ??


I do not get this. If they are unruly and the teacher cannot control them, then this just affects their grade, simple. Why put yourself in this kind of situation to be fired ??

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I started off the thread by pointing out the teacher was stupid and unprofessional.


Are there a lot of surrounding circumstances? Probably.


There probably are. I've worked in a number of schools for longer than I care to remember. Some of them had a lot of "surrounding circumstances". I've never encountered a teacher taping an entire class's mouths shut. It is a pretty extreme response and calls into question her fitness to be in charge of a class of kids


Would I be trusting the parents (who werent there) and the children to give me honest answers? Errr no. We've all been to school and I imagine we all know how rowdy school kids can be.


The Head seems to be in no doubt about what happened. Have you seen the letter he sent home? It doesn't pull many punches.



The parents should ask also look to themselves and ask why their little angel cant keep quite in class and respect the teacher who is trying to teach them.


Now , this I agree with 100%. It must take an awful lot to push an adult into such an extreme response. The parents, pupils and school management all have some uncomfortable questions to answer.

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Am I the only one who thinks that this is quite outrageous ? Why would a grown up adult put cellotape on a child's mouth ? Especially one that is not yours ??


I do not get this. If they are unruly and the teacher cannot control them, then this just affects their grade, simple. Why put yourself in this kind of situation to be fired ??

What I'm wondering is why would a grown adult devote their life to teaching chavs!
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If we were in a grown up world, then the pupils would apologise to the teacher and the teacher would have a break/ retraining on holiday and also apologise to the parents and pupils.


Nobody would sue anyone.


Children would be quiet and less disruptive.


Everyone would get back to normal.



What will be a disgrace is if there are compensation claims and litigation involved. Crazy world.

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If we were in a grown up world, then the pupils would apologise to the teacher and the teacher would have a break/ retraining on holiday and also apologise to the parents and pupils.


Nobody would sue anyone.


Children would be quiet and less disruptive.


Everyone would get back to normal.



What will be a disgrace is if there are compensation claims and litigation involved. Crazy world.


Please stop saying that people are going to sue people here.


For what? There are no injuries to the kids, or if there are, it'll be slightly chapped lips, and a small claim. If any of these were to land on my desk, they'd get a very stern letter saying "err no, you have no claim". The parents have no claim either.


There will be no claims.

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If we were in a grown up world, then the pupils would apologise to the teacher and the teacher would have a break/ retraining on holiday and also apologise to the parents and pupils.


Nobody would sue anyone.


Children would be quiet and less disruptive.


Everyone would get back to normal.



What will be a disgrace is if there are compensation claims and litigation involved. Crazy world.

We are in a grown up world, and the way she uses cellotape to tape over a child's mouth is not likely to achieve what she sets out to do, and also it is making the child thinks that you are on the same level as they are and is their "peers". Well, in this case, she has traumatised the child, as they are still learning how to be themselves in school and with their peers. That does confuse them.


Even in primary education, to make the child "play", you make the work fun. Not to play with them this way !! This is so ridiculous.


Pupils don't know any better and it between the parent to discipline as well as the teacher. This kind of discipline is just ridiculous.


I'm shocked that this happens in school.


In my days, I would just get a threat about house points, and then I get evil stares from my classmates. :roll:

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We are in a grown up world, and the way she uses cellotape to tape over a child's mouth is not likely to achieve what she sets out to do, and also it is making the child thinks that you are on the same level as they are and is their "peers". Well, in this case, she has traumatised the child, as they are still learning how to be themselves in school and with their peers. That does confuse them.


Even in primary education, to make the child "play", you make the work fun. Not to play with them this way !! This is so ridiculous.


Pupils don't know any better and it between the parent to discipline as well as the teacher. This kind of discipline is just ridiculous.


I'm shocked that this happens in school.


In my days, I would just get a threat about house points, and then I get evil stares from my classmates. :roll:

I don't believe that any children were 'traumatised' by this, as evidenced by the smirks on their faces and the joy on their parents' faces as they tried to get one over on an authority figure.
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