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Teacher suspended after tape put over school kids mouths

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When we were at school if we stepped out of line it was 6 of the best from the Headmasters cane.


... Or a blackboard rubber was thrown across the classroom.

A little bit of sticky tape across their mouths, which probably fell off.

What whimps.

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They couldn't just be happy because the bully teacher was being reprimanded for the actions then ?


Having a grin does not mean anyone was complicit in just trying to 'get one over on an authority figure'.

Yeah, right.....
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Please stop saying that people are going to sue people here.


For what? There are no injuries to the kids, or if there are, it'll be slightly chapped lips, and a small claim. If any of these were to land on my desk, they'd get a very stern letter saying "err no, you have no claim". The parents have no claim either.


There will be no claims.



You dont know yet because its not totally clear what has happened nor the effect on the children. We also dont know much about the teacher and why they flipped. I'd like to think they wouldnt sue, but the way the UK has gone then people rarely miss a chance if they see £ at the end of it. Vtw my point was not whether they have a good case, just that the way things go its what people do these days.

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To be honest, when I read this thread and read other people's comments, should we really be playing down the seriousness of such things? As adults, shouldn't we support the actual parent than the teacher in this instance, and give a good fair hearing to the child's voice, but at the same time be firm on the situation overall ? This is something I do not understand of others. Why criticise and call the child a whim ? This is not draconian Victorian times any more. The children are supposedly be the future, and they could be the next generation of MPs, and should we subject them to such bad treatment at a young age?



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I will wait to see what the investigation has to say.


Lot's of people can relate to the situation here because they have been through the secondary and primary education systems here.


Its always the same for each generation that school discipline and respect for teachers is poorer, kids rowdier. Some poster can remember it wasnt that long ago when schools had corporal punishment.


I think its mountain out of a mole hill. Unprofessional and stupid, but the parents and school kids are overegging it.

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I will wait to see what the investigation has to say.


Excellent! I look forward to hearing what you have to say on the matter once a full and frank investigation has taken place. Perhaps you could PM me so I don't miss it?



I think its mountain out of a mole hill. Unprofessional and stupid, but the parents and school kids are overegging it.


Er...hang on...didn't you just say? Oh..never mind.

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Nice try, but nothing wrong with having a view now. Most of my remarks are to do with the situation as reported and importantly how its been reported. I'll still be interested to see what the investigation says and any differences or new evidence that might throw new light on what happened. That clear enough for you?

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Nice try, but nothing wrong with having a view now. Most of my remarks are to do with the situation as reported and importantly how its been reported. I'll still be interested to see what the investigation says and any differences or new evidence that might throw new light on what happened. That clear enough for you?


Completely clear thank you. As I mentioned above, could you PM me your opinions when you have more information? I am not always around to check the threads on a regular basis and I am sooooo looking forward to your take on this.

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