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Empire Bar - your views.

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Not saying there aren't dodgy 'white' places, just that they're less likely to get slated as much. And that post didn't apply to everyone, just to a lot!


It's a fair point though. I've seen nuff threads like that on here, and heard the same kind of attitude when speaking to people. It wears a bit thin after a while... :gag:


there are loads of dodgy boozers which are mainly white, but ive never heard of people avoiding Empire because it is mainly full of black people? they mainly avoid it cos its crap!


Truth! :hihi:

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there are loads of dodgy boozers which are mainly white, but ive never heard of people avoiding Empire because it is mainly full of black people? they mainly avoid it cos its crap! :)


Ok, you've completely taken what I've said out of context. I never said people avoid Empire coz it's "mainly full of black people", I said that where certain clubs and bars are concerned (not just Empire) there are racially prejudiced undertones. And even if people did avoid Empire coz of the reason you stated, they wouldn't just come straight out and say it, for fear of being branded a racist! If you think it's crap, then fair enough, that's your opinion, and you state it well!:hihi: however, some people don't, and their real reasons for slating certain places is more than obvious!

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my view cannot be considered racist in anyway!


I work with and know many black white and asian people and therefore believe myself to be very open minded.


Had i not been in the empire bar with a policeman who pointed out various dodgy types from the criminal underworld of sheffield then maybe i would feel that bit safer!

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my view cannot be considered racist in anyway!


I work with and know many black white and asian people and therefore believe myself to be very open minded.


Had i not been in the empire bar with a policeman who pointed out various dodgy types from the criminal underworld of sheffield then maybe i would feel that bit safer!


haha! what a classic example of someone who is trying to deny their racial prejudices! "I have black/asian friends! I'm not racist!" I'm sorry, I didn't know you actually worked with black people! Well that changes it all! Read properly, i didn't say what you said was racist (i knew when I wrote it that's the type of reply you'd give anyway!), you're probably not even aware of your prejudices, you've probably buried them that deep into your subconscious you don't even know they're there, but it shows in posts like the one you wrote at the start of this thread. (note to you; to be prejudiced, does not automatically make you racist, unless that's what you make of it yourself)

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The point im making is in no word of the that post did i imply that it's bad because of the places black clientelle.


I was more worried by a white bloke (if we must mention colour! ) who took every available opportunity to barge past me.


I've been brought up to believe that everyone is equal and the same so to be told by someone who doesn't know me that i'm prejudice towards black and just don't realise it is quite unbelieveable!

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The point im making is in no word of the that post did i imply that it's bad because of the places black clientelle.


I was more worried by a white bloke (if we must mention colour! ) who took every available opportunity to barge past me.


I've been brought up to believe that everyone is equal and the same so to be told by someone who doesn't know me that i'm prejudice towards black and just don't realise it is quite unbelieveable!


Kinda gettin fed up of repeating myself now, but i'll say it again if I have to: UNDERTONES. That is, in my opinion, what your first post contained, and your second, very defensive "I have black colleagues!", post.

I don't know what colour the fella was who you were bothered by, and it doesn't really bother me, coz surely one single bloke couldn't have had that much of an impact on you that you'd advise anyone against ever going to Empire without a stab vest, and never go again yourself?!

Good on your parents for bringing you up to believe everyone's equal, however friends, your environment and just society in general can influence you to think a certain way more than you realise, and sometimes it shows, even if you don't realise it.

Anyway, don't think you're one post was that special to make me rant on like this in about 3 or 4 posts, it's quite a number of posts I've seen on the forum that contain these 'undertones' that I keep banging on about that made me finally write something about it. I'm not stupid, I don't spout off random sh*t, I only say it if I'm really feeling it and they're the vibes I'm getting.

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it wasn't just the one guy it was a collection and as i said my friend being a policeman and having prior knowledge of a lot of people in there put me off.


As for friends influencing me well there's my best friend going out with a black man or maybe amy who is also in a relationship with a black man the list goes on

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