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A sorry tale for a lost people.

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The UK banking/finance industry is in Debt, the EEC is also in debt, as is the USA. So the prosperous western world is actually on paper bankrupt. The debt is impossible to ever clear, and we all borrow more to get out of debt and become prosperous, however preposterous the concept, that is the reality.


So desperate that in the EEC money has been sucked out of Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the rest to service the banks debts, through loans, which is another word for increased debt.


In the US and in Europe millions of people are mainly unemployed or working in jobs paying at best a survival wage. Countries have been sucked dry by the helpful banks, too greedy to go to the wall, and the finance industry needs more victims, to prop up a failed system. Like ay parasite the banks struggle to survive, and sucking resources out of a country, debt allowing the infrastructure, the resources to be forced to be sold on the cheep. So the Post office was just on of a long line of of undervalued businesses to be sold to the private sector. I the UK the private sector run over 50% of the services, for local and national governments and through abolishing previous government run organizations, local ad national government now have to rely on the corporate commercial sector. Corporations have them over a barrel.



But despite running nations into the ground, they need more money, more resources to buy on the cheap, and exploit. The biggest and most unscrupulous parasites are the city of London ad Wall Street.


Ad that my friends is what is behind the whole Ukraine fiasco. The are to be indebted ad like Greece to be pulled apart and destroyed. Greece is no longer a sovereign nation, its run by the banks, as are most western countries, and millions without realising their plight are part of the NEW MEDIEVAL REVOLUTION , where the corporate sector, underwritten by the banks mentioned are the new Feudal Masters.


Just watch how the banks devour Ukraine, which was why they did not sign the EEC agreement that overnight led to the Revolution of Liberty, Democracy, and freedom.

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