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A ridiculous fairy tale, but..

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Violence is a pleasure males love to participate in, either in person or through computer games, violent films and TV entertainments. Violence is very entertaining, and me are defined through various forms of violence, sometimes called ambition, which a refined violence where being ruthless, individualistic get the prize. Violence is also glamorous, where women though media entertainments become objects of desire and derision, rape ad murder is box office success. The more violent the greater the return.


We have now supplemented and reinvented what once was entertainment for an empire, where violence bought the community together where deaths is various way was the entertainment. Welcome to the new, simulated upgraded Roman world. Ad what a world it was, you could see a boat of beautiful women dressed divinely, in the arena, the crows agape, as the boat sailed round islands and figures of heroes, while music played ad the girls sung. Once the crowd had become used to the spectral, and marveled at its ingenuity, a secret plug was removed and slowly, very slowly the boat full of beauties, singling began to fill up. The crowd did ot expect this, and then, while this was happening crocodiles were introduced, which swam around the distressed women, waiting for panic to ensure their demise. Then hippos appeared, awhile the crocs were entertaining the spellbound crowd, and the girls well you can imagine, the mayhem, fear, all so entertaining and tragic. no sooner had the waters stopped frothing the the hippos started to kill the crocks, what fun it was, how entertaining, almost like a video, but without the playback ad slow facility.


But today we are saturated in simulated violence, where with a militarized police on the streets just in case, so they can shoot a bomber one assumes. Its actually to acclimatise the population to a new form of control. Control through violence. Why ask questions, when heads need smashing, as in demonstrations, its fun for the police to smash up the unarmed protesters, making them think twice of joining another protest. When one smashes into protesters indiscriminately, they panic, try and get away but its not that easy with people behind them, as they run like trapped rats to be pulverized. There is nowhere to run, and so many heard needing alterations, it becomes like a battle, with the rats trying to escape and the militarized educators doing what they are paid to do. This mayhem all contrived by the militarized educational units, makes fine TV, exposing the enemy within, a thus justifying water cannot and maybe live rounds one day. Two years ago the Metropolitan Police bought 55,000 assault rifles, plus lots of ammo, obviously for training purposes and target practice.

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When I think back to my childhood, I remember with warm fondness, the hours that I spent sat in front of the TV unknowingly watching pepe le pew promoting rape and sexual assault and Tom and Jerry promoting numerous mindless acts of violence and dismemberment.


And then I'd play out, I can't tell you how much fun it was reenacting it... Really, I can't!!

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If Video Games influenced you, Then I would Have spent the nineties running around a Dark Room, Listening to Repetitive Music whilst Gobbling White Pills!






erm.....oh yeah.........

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oes erebus really believe the things she/ he writes?


I'm going out on a limb here but I suspect they do have some valid points but they get drowned in the rest of the post. Please don't equate this to belittling Erebus's posts and I do read quite a few of them, however if there was any chance of a bit more conciseness in them that would be great.


In "internet" terms can we get a tl:dr at the end of each, or in old school terminology - some sort of Executive Summary ?

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