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Do You Really Think World War III Is Coming?

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Still fighting it, ask the NRA.


Your obsession with the NRA only leads me to believe that you are a frustrated wannabe gun owner who under your laws cannot get one.


I'll ship you a sling shot (cattypult) I bought last time I was down in Tijuana if you forward your address


---------- Post added 05-03-2014 at 23:18 ----------


Lets face it, it was because of the war on the Russian front why they lost and would have taken the UK and smartened up the US too had they not.


America came into the war too late, they held out until the last minute after millions had been killed. I am not saying that the war would have been won without you, it wouldn't, but the war could have just as easily have been lost had they not had a Russian offensive.


It could have easily have been Russia having to bail us out in the war had the Germans not made that mistake.


Held out until last minute? :hihi: You mean thy didnt get in until May 7, 1945?


That "last minute" you talk about was December 7, 1941 which left 3 years and

almost 6 months to run before it was over in Europe and another 3 months more before Japan threw in the towel.


I wont dispute the fact that the German military machine suffered huge and irreplaceable losses in Russia and was a major factor in the outcome of the war but D-Day would never have happened without American help and if Stalin had beaten the Germans without allied help what would have stopped his tanks rolling past Germany and into western Europe? he had no love, nor did he trust either Britain or France. It would have been a golden opportunity to present Britain with a fait accompli with Russian air force and military installations sitting just across the water from Dover

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And China's just increased it's military spending by 12%

Second only to the US of A.


Funny how a country with twenty times the population is spending twice as much on defense as the UK and a country with a quarter of the population of China is spending five times as much again (USA).


Figures need to be seen in relation to other figures.


Is China likely to have a role in WW3 (which I agree is rather inevitable) yes, no doubt. But people who portray it as the definite factor for causing it are the same who think that the UK did not have a role in causing WW1 and WW2.

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Daft pub talk from down Pitsmoor way. Didnt they ever teach you any history of wars pre-Beatles era?


pitsmoor? seldom go down there, too much shooting.

i know enough about war history especially arses getting kicked at gallipoli to know we should keep out of this one

USA's kerry and our haigh are just war mongers and should let the russians sort it..


---------- Post added 06-03-2014 at 14:08 ----------


Lets face it, it was because of the war on the Russian front why they lost and would have taken the UK and smartened up the US too had they not.


America came into the war too late, they held out until the last minute after millions had been killed. I am not saying that the war would have been won without you, it wouldn't, but the war could have just as easily have been lost had they not had a Russian offensive.


It could have easily have been Russia having to bail us out in the war had the Germans not made that mistake.


there is evidence to suggest the yanks sank a jap vessel resulting in the unexpected attack on pearl harbour. if the US carrier fleet had not been out at sea at the time, the japs would have gone on to capture australia and new zealand, and there would have been little the world could have done about it.


the yanks saw an opportunity to boost their economy by flogging us the hardware to continue the war. this was the so-called 'lend-lease' scheme. i am not sure if we are still paying them back?


you are right on russia. hitler dropped a bollock there alright by being greedy. the russians had the foresight to move their industry to the other side of the country out of hitlers grasp. hitler fooled our own 'peace in our time' PM but he didnt fool the russians enough for them to trust him. the nazis were within 50 miles of the kremlin but the russian winter helped beat them.

i rank the cracking of the enigma codes and the destruction of the heavy water facilities at Norsk hydro as being, bigger than appreciated, deeds in helping us win WW2.

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pitsmoor? seldom go down there, too much shooting.

i know enough about war history especially arses getting kicked at gallipoli to know we should keep out of this one

USA's kerry and our haigh are just war mongers and should let the russians sort it..


---------- Post added 06-03-2014 at 14:08 ----------



there is evidence to suggest the yanks sank a jap vessel resulting in the unexpected attack on pearl harbour. if the US carrier fleet had not been out at sea at the time, the japs would have gone on to capture australia and new zealand, and there would have been little the world could have done about it.


the yanks saw an opportunity to boost their economy by flogging us the hardware to continue the war. this was the so-called 'lend-lease' scheme. i am not sure if we are still paying them back?


you are right on russia. hitler dropped a bollock there alright by being greedy. the russians had the foresight to move their industry to the other side of the country out of hitlers grasp. hitler fooled our own 'peace in our time' PM but he didnt fool the russians enough for them to trust him. the nazis were within 50 miles of the kremlin but the russian winter helped beat them.

i rank the cracking of the enigma codes and the destruction of the heavy water facilities at Norsk hydro as being, bigger than appreciated, deeds in helping us win WW2.


There was a Japanes submarine that was sunk while attempting to enter Pearl harbour I think. This was while the talks were still going on between the Japanese and and Americans (mainly focused on Japan's invasion of Manchuria and China) and just before Pearl harbour attack. The talks were still officially on even on the day, December 7, 1941


Had the entire Pacific US navy fleet including the carriers been sunk or destroyed during the attack on Pearl Harbour the battle of Midway would not have later taken place, that's obvious. Midway resulted in serious damage to the Japanese fleet and turned it from an offensive force to a defensive force for the rest of the war.


As for invading Australia. Oz is a whopping great big place to invade. The Japs may have been able to land some forces at some point in Australia but as for subduing and conquering it outright.... nigh near impossible I think


Without lend lease Britain could not have hoped to continue the fight against Hitler in 1940. The British army had lost all it's equipment at Dunkirk and the RAF was down to it's last handful of fighters in late summer. It was only Hitler's decison to switch to bombing British cities instead of RAF airfields that saved the situation. Later during the North Africa campaign it was tanks and artillery provided to the 8th army under lend lease that enabled Montgomery to beat Rommel at El Alalmein.


Hitler's attack on Russia actually took Stalin completely by surprise and the Red army suffered defeat after defeat in the first few months. Lucky for Stalin he hd old man winter and a first class general Georgi Zhukov on his side.


The other factor that helped Stalin was that the German army had not equipped it's men or equipment for severe winter conditions. The losses through frostbite and exposure cost the German army very heavily. Hitler had been dead sure he could have wrapped up the war against Russia before winter 1941-42 came.


The battle of Stalingrad was the turning point in the war on the eastern front

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There was a Japanes submarine that was sunk while attempting to enter Pearl harbour I think. This was while the talks were still going on between the Japanese and and Americans (mainly focused on Japan's invasion of Manchuria and China) and just before Pearl harbour attack. The talks were still officially on even on the day, December 7, 1941


Had the entire Pacific US navy fleet including the carriers been sunk or destroyed during the attack on Pearl Harbour the battle of Midway would not have later taken place, that's obvious. Midway resulted in serious damage to the Japanese fleet and turned it from an offensive force to a defensive force for the rest of the war.


As for invading Australia. Oz is a whopping great big place to invade. The Japs may have been able to land some forces at some point in Australia but as for subduing and conquering it outright.... nigh near impossible I think


Without lend lease Britain could not have hoped to continue the fight against Hitler in 1940. The British army had lost all it's equipment at Dunkirk and the RAF was down to it's last handful of fighters in late summer. It was only Hitler's decison to switch to bombing British cities instead of RAF airfields that saved the situation. Later during the North Africa campaign it was tanks and artillery provided to the 8th army under lend lease that enabled Montgomery to beat Rommel at El Alalmein.


Hitler's attack on Russia actually took Stalin completely by surprise and the Red army suffered defeat after defeat in the first few months. Lucky for Stalin he hd old man winter and a first class general Georgi Zhukov on his side.


The other factor that helped Stalin was that the German army had not equipped it's men or equipment for severe winter conditions. The losses through frostbite and exposure cost the German army very heavily. Hitler had been dead sure he could have wrapped up the war against Russia before winter 1941-42 came.


The battle of Stalingrad was the turning point in the war on the eastern front


It's a myth that the British were down to a few fighters during this period. It was experienced pilots that was the problem.


The Germans weren't even concerned about the capability of our radar systems too. They thought it was rather primitive at the time.


Another thing....The Germans "underestimated" the RAFs strength and were unaware to the fact we could replace our

planes(and more) quicker than they were getting shot down.


The British on thee other hand "over-estimated" the strength of the Luftwaffe.

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It's a myth that the British were down to a few fighters during this period. It was experienced pilots that was the problem.


The Germans weren't even concerned about the capability of our radar systems too. They thought it was rather primitive at the time.


Another thing....The Germans "underestimated" the RAFs strength and were unaware to the fact we could replace our

planes(and more) quicker than they were getting shot down.


The British on thee other hand "over-estimated" the strength of the Luftwaffe.


Without American assistance and the failure of Hitler to use some common sense and leave the Russians alone until he'd dealt with us first, it would have been all over for this country.


The daft thing is someone told me that in Mein Kampf he actually stated that when fighting a war you should never open up a second front. Which is precisely what he went ahead and did.


I sincerely hope another world war isn't about to happen, but as I am a complete cynic when it comes to politicians regarding their abilities and motives I wouldn't rule it out. :(

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