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Do You Really Think World War III Is Coming?

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Without American assistance and the failure of Hitler to use some common sense and leave the Russians alone until he'd dealt with us first, it would have been all over for this country.


The daft thing is someone told me that in Mein Kampf he actually stated that when fighting a war you should never open up a second front. Which is precisely what he went ahead and did.


I sincerely hope another world war isn't about to happen, but as I am a complete cynic when it comes to politicians regarding their abilities and motives I wouldn't rule it out. :(


Agree with your comment mjw47.


But, people don't realise that British factories were churning out warplanes at a greater rate than German one's around the time of the Battle of Britain.

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Agree with your comment mjw47.


But, people don't realise that British factories were churning out warplanes at a greater rate than German one's around the time of the Battle of Britain.


Still think the Germans would have caught up and surpassed us. Remember what they managed to produce later in the war whilst fighting on two fronts? We were lucky, but being lucky is always better than being good. :)


Had German tactics been left to German Generals I'm pretty sure there would have been a different outcome.


As to the present situation, it does make you wonder as to whether there are people of influence who would welcome a major conflict.


Wars tend to result in two major benefits for those in positions of power who wont actually be taking part themselves.


Firstly, they generate huge profits for those owners of military ordinance manufacturing companies, government contracted construction companies and their shareholders/stockholders.


Secondly, they reduce the population of the world significantly, and whilst that may sound as if it's in the conspiracy theory area, it is nether the less true and undoubtedly taken into consideration.


Lets hope it's all political posturing.

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Still think the Germans would have caught up and surpassed us. Remember what they managed to produce later in the war whilst fighting on two fronts? We were lucky, but being lucky is always better than being good. :)


Had German tactics been left to German Generals I'm pretty sure there would have been a different outcome.


As to the present situation, it does make you wonder as to whether there are people of influence who would welcome a major conflict.


Wars tend to result in two major benefits for those in positions of power who wont actually be taking part themselves.


Firstly, they generate huge profits for those owners of military ordinance manufacturing companies, government contracted construction companies and their shareholders/stockholders.


Secondly, they reduce the population of the world significantly, and whilst that may sound as if it's in the conspiracy theory area, it is nether the less true and undoubtedly taken into consideration.


Lets hope it's all political posturing.


Yep..Hitler didn't have a clue. And as you say it would have been a different outcome if his Generals had run the show.


I don't think we have to worry too much about what's happening at the moment in the news.I believe it's the Chinese who are more likely to get a bit silly.


Also, I wouldn't worry about people who would welcome a "BIG" whopping war! There would be no winners and money-making would be the least of anyones worries (if there's anyone left of course):D

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Yep..Hitler didn't have a clue. And as you say it would have been a different outcome if his Generals had run the show.


I don't think we have to worry too much about what's happening at the moment in the news.I believe it's the Chinese who are more likely to get a bit silly.


Also, I wouldn't worry about people who would welcome a "BIG" whopping war! There would be no winners and money-making would be the least of anyones worries (if there's anyone left of course):D


Well I tend to agree with you there, apart from you always have to remember what Albert Einstein said.


' There are only two things known to be infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe.'


Not reassuring in times like these. :(:D

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Your obsession with the NRA only leads me to believe that you are a frustrated wannabe gun owner who under your laws cannot get one.


I'll ship you a sling shot (cattypult) I bought last time I was down in Tijuana if you forward your address


Last time I remember I was about 12 when I bought one..funny, I moved on by growing up. Keep your toys Hayley.


Forward my address? That's just creepy.

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Last time I remember I was about 12 when I bought one..funny, I moved on by growing up. Keep your toys Hayley.


Forward my address? That's just creepy.


Maybe you're a real big man now and own your own BB gun eh? Shoot up old beer cans in the back yard do ya ? :hihi:


I dont need yer addtess Skint. :hihi: Heely Bottom is a place to be avoided by anyone carrying more than a fiver in their pocket


---------- Post added 07-03-2014 at 21:43 ----------


It's a myth that the British were down to a few fighters during this period. It was experienced pilots that was the problem.


The Germans weren't even concerned about the capability of our radar systems too. They thought it was rather primitive at the time.


Another thing....The Germans "underestimated" the RAFs strength and were unaware to the fact we could replace our

planes(and more) quicker than they were getting shot down.


The British on thee other hand "over-estimated" the strength of the Luftwaffe.


Historians have said that the ratio of German fighters and bombers to British was around 3 to one in their favour.


The Spitfire and Me109 were just about on par for performance.


If historians are correct a quirk of fate changed the whole battle of Britian situation. Hitler had given strict instructions not to bomb civilan targets but during one night raid a German bomber lost it's way and dumped it's bombs by accident on London. Churchill, furious retaliated with a raid on Berlin the following night and Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to start bombing London in return. That gave the RAF a chance to repair their airfields which had become almost inoperable due to the Luftwaffe's continuous bombing attacks.


By summer's end Hitler moved most of the air fleet east in preparation for the Russian campaign.

I dont think his allies the Japanese even told him they were planning to destroy the Pacific US navy fleet at Pearl Harbour. Under the Axis treaty Hitler had little option but to declare war on the US following that attack

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One maybe trivial factor in the Battle of Britain was that, invading France, the Luftwaffe could keep moving airstrips forward to allow their relatively short-range "flying artillery" to range closer to defending forces. Then they came to a big wet strip on which they could not build airstrips - the Channel.

That took 50 miles or so off the combat range of their fighters.

Any German pilots parachuting over Britain would be captured; RAF pilots might well return to the fight.

I think it was attributed to "Sailor" Malan that he believed in shooting up bombers but leaving them able to limp home, as the sight of shot-up crews would harm Luftwaffe morale.

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