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Do You Really Think World War III Is Coming?

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The business which I made my living at had, - for me at least - a wonderful bonus.


I got to meet different people virtually every single working day and get to learn a little about them.


On one occasion I visited the home of an ex Battle of Britain pilot. It took me about a half hour to carry out the task I was there for, survey the property and agree on his electronic security requirements and a further hour and a half to get as many of his wartime stories as I could.


He was a gentleman and modest with it, he became a customer and I found out later that he had been highly decorated and wounded in action, neither of which he told me about.


He had flown both Spitfires and Hurricanes in the war and told me that for a pure flying experience the Spit was on it's own.

However, if you were involved in a dogfight the Hurricane was superior.


It was he said ' a better gun platform ' first time that I had heard the expression but I got the drift.


As for bombing city's I heard it differently.


The Luftwaffe were beginning to win. They were concentrating on attacking airfields, aircraft manufacturers and fuel storage plants.

Eventually they would gain air superiority allowing them to support an invasion.


Hitler admired the British, in particular the English, a Germanic race. He admired the Empire and the ruthlessness which had made it possible.

At some point he thought a truce could be arranged and we would become allies.


He had been encouraged in this opinion by the actions of quite a number of the British establishment prior to the outbreak of hostilities.


The British had carried out a psychological assessment on him ( that must have made interesting reading! ) and they had a very good idea as to his reaction if we bombed German cities, especially as they had avoided doing it to us at that point.


Churchill decided to sacrifice British civilians in the interest of a possible future victory, at least that is what I was told by what I believe to be a reliable source.


As I said to you before, I don't believe that there was a great deal to choose in moral terms between Stalin, Hitler and Churchill, the difference was that our system had more protection against meglo maniacs.


My late uncle James from Ulster, N.I. flew Spits and Hurricanes. He trained pilots to fly them in Canada and even did a stunt in Russia training their pilots on both planes. Was decorated for taking part in the sinking of an Italian destroyer near Malta and later flew Shackletons while with RAF Coastal Command against U-Boats. Unfortunately I saw very little of him while growing up but he retired from the RAF in 1966 as a Group Captain. Every family needs a hero and I imagine he was ours.


There were stories that while Churchill was touring bombed out neighbourhoods in London flashing his V for Victory signs for the media that he was booed by the crowd at some point. So were the King and Queen on their tour of London's east end just after a German plane dropped a bomb on Buckingham palace. That reception was kept secret at the time for reasons of morale. You could be tossed in jail for defeatist talk also. Charged in court for spreading "alarm and despondancy"

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No, between England and Scotland!


I could be a secret agent for England.:suspect:


---------- Post added 09-03-2014 at 22:34 ----------


Yep, my thoughts exactly. I think I read in the Daily Star that cameron and his butt buddies would be six miles underground with full en suite paraphernalia and mega bomb proof rocks.


I think Obama has air force one that can stay in the strap ons phere for days on end.


Might be wrong. Where will our leaders all hide while we turn to nuclear dust? :huh:


Who cares where our masters hide.


I would rather be right under the nuke when it pops.:D


Our leaders would face a slow wait for death.

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I could be a secret agent for England.:suspect:


---------- Post added 09-03-2014 at 22:34 ----------



Who cares where our masters hide.


I would rather be right under the nuke when it pops.:D


Our leaders would face a slow wait for death.


Nah, the powers that be already have that in hand. They would live underground with all the pleasures. Have you seen the original 'Time Machine' film? Loads of brain washed fit birds and stuff :hihi::hihi:


Toby might even pull :hihi:

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Nah, the powers that be already have that in hand. They would live underground with all the pleasures. Have you seen the original 'Time Machine' film? Loads of brain washed fit birds and stuff :hihi::hihi:


Toby might even pull :hihi:

One big swingers party.:D

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yup, i'm here now, and reading this forum.:twisted::evil:


I have my eye on you,


I have just returned from a walk down the Moor, there is little doubt that 50% of the people I have seen are not human, therefore they must be spies or scouts for an alien attack.


What other purpose are they serving?


Beware him on here called mecky also ric gem and stantumudo. They are citizens of the planet Quarg and sent to cause disruption.


Long live Xenia.


Hillpig lives.

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