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Peter Kay...Overrated?

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To all of you who thinks Peter Kay is overrated, get a life.


You are so far from the truth, he is fantastic and I don`t like normally like comedians but I understand his sense of humour and he`s a Lancastrian you cant get any better.


He is so funny and I have introduced him to my father in law who thinks he`s wicked to.


I can`t stand Chubby Brown he`s dirty on legs and I can`t understand Billy Connelly when he tells jokes but his documentarys are good.

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Phoenix Nights is superb ... but unlikely to improve after a 3rd series. It's hard to top The Captain and Das Boot or "get back you ******** - ill break yer legs" from series 1. :D


The trouble with Peter Kay is that he's pretty much a one trick (albeit a good trick) pony - "northern folk" - and it's getting a bit thin now. 5 years ago it was very fresh... "comin' in your ears!"


Our Toby doesn't need to emulate him in the afternoons either. "Shabba" :(:rolleyes: Toby - you're much funnier when your doing your stuff instead of PK's :thumbsup:


I saw Eddie Izzard at the same gig as Andy78, and I nearly fell asleep. Izzard has lost it too. I once actually did fall asleep watching Ben Elton do the same "Mrs Thatch - ooo I'm a bit farty" material for the umpteenth time:D


Now then - in my alchohol induced state, who can remind me of the name of the Jewish lad with the guitar? I nearly pished myself. :)

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Only fools is totally over-rated. It had it's day years ago, it should have long since died a quiet death. Their not wrong there.


Kay and Izzard are, however, very funny. And i dont know anybody that says otherwise (except those earlier posters, obviously).


That poll was a load of crap.

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If you think that Izzard is funny now you should have seen him before he decided to break his rule of never ever ever going on the telly. Your head would have exploded, 'cos he's just a now pale shadow of his former genius.

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