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Tony Blair could make 'large donation' to Labour

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Whats the problem with Tony supporting his party?


If he convinces everyone else to give Ed the heave-ho at the same time as well then all the better.


Let me put it the other way round. Why might there be a problem with Labour becoming dependent on Tony Blair for funding?


If Labour does become dependent on one man for funding they will pay even less attention to what the rest of us want.


Also, you have to bear in mind who the individual in question is. A criminally over-rated politician who gave us PFI and the Iraq war. The very best that you'd get out of Labour if they do become dependent on Blair for funding is a bunch of empty public school suits with no experience of life outside of politics stuck in a 1990's time warp.

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empty public school suits.


hardly any of the Labour front bench, and just one of the 5 contestants for the last Labour leadership contest received a private education. Balls. Harman. And that is about it. Even Hilary Benn, son of a toff, went to a state comprehensive.

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Let me put it the other way round. Why might there be a problem with Labour becoming dependent on Tony Blair for funding?


If Labour does become dependent on one man for funding they will pay even less attention to what the rest of us want.


Also, you have to bear in mind who the individual in question is. A criminally over-rated politician who gave us PFI and the Iraq war. The very best that you'd get out of Labour if they do become dependent on Blair for funding is a bunch of empty public school suits with no experience of life outside of politics stuck in a 1990's time warp.


What on Earth are you talking about?

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Let me put it the other way round. Why might there be a problem with Labour becoming dependent on Tony Blair for funding?


If Labour does become dependent on one man for funding they will pay even less attention to what the rest of us want.


Maybe its just a stop gap until they sort out other sources of funding once the union subs dry up?

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I bet the senior national Tories joke when they're in wine and among 'friends', that why Labour are so useless at governing is precisely because so few of them received expensive private educations like them, and that is why they haven't got a clue. But they realise they can never say that in public.

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Those 29 toffs that make up the current cabinet are nearly worth that.




David Cameron is worth almost £4million according to a new analysis that estimates the combined wealth of the Cabinet (29 people) at nearly £70million.


You are forgetting Cameron's other money.


You know, the stuff that isn't counted in these surveys. The £30M or so sloshing around.


You know... the kind of wealth that makes you unsure of exactly how many houses you own.


Mind you, they've done well. Samantha grew up on an estate, you know.



If Blair wants to waste his money on the Labour Party he has a perfect right to do so.

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I suppose you have a point.


the point is that the Tories haven't been able to say look we were born to rule, it's in our blood and that is it, since 1964. They lost that election. After that they realised they could not try to say that, so they got a carpenter's son to lead them. The chances of a the next leader of the Tory party, after Cameron, to be like Heath, or Thatcher, or Major were - from a modest background - are miniscule. The Tory party leadership, has gone back to the toffs.

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