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Tony Blair could make 'large donation' to Labour

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I bet the senior national Tories joke when they're in wine and among 'friends', that why Labour are so useless at governing is precisely because so few of them received expensive private educations like them, and that is why they haven't got a clue. But they realise they can never say that in public.


12% according to a quick Google. I'll see if I can find out many of the senior Labour cabinet that was.

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instead of taking one large contribution from an ex leader, they could take a leaf out of ukip's book and get each of their mep's to donate a minimum of £10,000 from their expense allowance


i'm not sure you can link to the times so i've cut and paste the relevant bits from the article



Ukip MEPs are encouraged to pay a “tithe” to the party’s headquarters of £10,000 a year and have been told they can afford this because as well as their salary they receive “generous expenses” from the European Parliament “some of which does not require receipts”.


The Times has seen a copy of the code of conduct that Ukip MEPs are required to sign, promising to give “substantial financial support” to the party’s central coffers out of income.


This “should mean a minimum of £10,000 per annum”, according to an e-mail sent to the party’s MEPs by Alan Bown, a long-standing Ukip donor and member of the party’s National Executive Committee. Although it would be a breach of the rules for elected politicians to use their parliamentary allowances to make party donations, the e-mail, sent in June 2011, stated: “Most MEPs draw a salary of £80K+ per year plus generous expenses of approximately £320K, some of which does not require receipts.”

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12% according to a quick Google. I'll see if I can find out many of the senior Labour cabinet that was.


are you kidding. Most of the Tory cabinet had private educations when the national average is 7%. Hague is the only high profile Tory who never went to a fee-paying school although he did, like the Milibands, after his state education, go to Oxford where he read PPE.

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