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No car tax ok for some

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Did you not read the post I was responding to kidley?


Do you believe untaxed East european cars will result in a civil war?


It could result in the increase use of (GAD) medication.:hihi:

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To the best of my knowledge in the E.U. road fund license has to be paid in the country where the vehicle is registered. However, if a vehicle visits another E.U. country it is allowed to stay there for up to six months in any year, any longer and it is illegally staying there. If the owner wishes the vehicle to be in the foreign country longer than six months then it should be imported and the relevant taxes paid. It is similar for the M.O.T. too. Hope this helps to clarify things.

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Have you thought this through? You seem to be complaining that we are screwed by not having enough toll roads to charge our French neighbours when they come to visit.


Yes I have thought it through, why should we be charged to operate on there roads when they are not charged to operate on ours? how is that not an unfair balance for UK business's trying to compete in Europe? it means we pay a road tax twice so have to charge more for goods exported than the french do and they can also bring there goods cheaply in to the UK and therefore doing ourselves out of revenue and jobs.

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Yes I have thought it through, why should we be charged to operate on there roads when they are not charged to operate on ours? how is that not an unfair balance for UK business's trying to compete in Europe? it means we pay a road tax twice so have to charge more for goods exported than the french do and they can also bring there goods cheaply in to the UK and therefore doing ourselves out of revenue and jobs.


UK road users in Europe generally pay less duty on the fuel they use to drive over there. European drivers in the UK save on toll charges but pay more in fuel duty.

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UK road users in Europe generally pay less duty on the fuel they use to drive over there. European drivers in the UK save on toll charges but pay more in fuel duty.


So there is no way that with the HUGH size of HGV fuel tanks and reasonably small size of the UK (most probably make it as far as London) that drivers can't fill there tanks over there and again get a break on all charges in the UK


Noooooooooooo I bet no one has thought of that before :loopy:

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Presumably if the government were massively concerned then they'd do something about it. They obviously aren't that bothered though, so why are you?


For my stated reason.


The government are not bothered about a lot of things that matter to the general public, that does not mean we should all just accept this


Or maybe like you we should just all lay down and say nothing.

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