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New bosses, now to lose jobs

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Just to add to what others have said my partner is a public sector worker and compared to my private sector job she has a very tough time. Poor lass comes home knackered. Very difficult job with lots of responsibility.

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They don't make a profit unless they have happy customers!

They have to work damn hard to give good service.


Don't they, where is your evidence to support what you say?


---------- Post added 06-03-2014 at 12:21 ----------


Ditto. I have to account for every penny I spend and show that I've got value for money in each spend. There's a huge responsibility with repercussions of instant sacking.


Really? so everytime you go to the bar you get a receipt?

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They don't make a profit unless they have happy customers!

They have to work damn hard to give good service.


People have been very unhappy with many private sector companies, ATOS, G4S, Gas and Electric companies, banks etc etc yet they've still made plenty of profit.


Some businesses can turn a profit no matter how badly they behave.

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I work in the public sector and I have huge resposibilities for a poor wage and if I ****ed up, like Ian Duncan Smith the Employment Minister does on a regular basis then I'd be sacked.

We are also the same too in the industrial world. Yet we can get sacked tomorrow. In fact, this is almost the "norm" nowadays in most jobs, and you cannot complain, moan or whatever, but pick up your stuff and walk out the door with dignity.


I also agree that to a large extent, especially in some of the areas of the government that there is indeed a lack of knowledge, and skills too. Even if you cannot become the specialist that some industry offer, then you have to hire some people who can intrain the staff to reach this level. If I remember, I was put on a course for "IT" within the council, and I could not believe how basic it really is. I thought I was going mad when I realised how much I had to learn in the actual industry itself years later. Yet people complain that they are underpaid ? When really their pension alone will secure their future already. You have to continually learn, and adapt to the changing momentum of the chosen industry that you are in.


All those outsourcing companies just shows how undynamic the government is. IF the standard of the staff was equally as high or the calibre is pretty high, then there would not even BE this kind of outsourcing to happen. What I find is that, by outsourcing, the government themselves can "blame" it on those companies for bad workmanship.


How and WHY would ANY government uses an external security force for their own work ? Why would this happen at all ? You tell me. Shouldn't the government have its own security team and force to deal with any potential ills that may occur ?


Also A4E is a bad company, cos it cannot get people back into work to begin with, and it does not have a good reputation in having connections with the industry itself such that it allows real transition from training into jobs to happen immediately. What is the government doing in pouring money into black-holes ? Why doesn't A4E instead train people to have actual professional certification which enable candidates to at least have a decent chance? Doing so would indeed transition them into real jobs. Not this mickey mouse business. The candidates may even get offer of jobs abroad too. Why don't they offer partial certifications or qualification, and work with local companies to transition these candidates into jobs as to let the market remain competitive ? No cert. No job. Whether this is professional certification for HR, Finance, Banking, or whatever.


---------- Post added 06-03-2014 at 17:27 ----------


We were already TUPE into the new company (SCCL) from DWP in November. They are closing our office. There are no Steria/SSCL in Sheffield minus the one we are in now. Even we do not know for sure where our work is going (HR/Payroll for DWP staff). There are other buildings being kept open in England.


We can guess, but I don't believe it is France. There could be job opportunities around the country and there could be a chance of some staff going back to Civil Service (which hasn't been reported in the news), but I know for sure I can't move. I have a commitment caring for my mother.


I need to have a job in Sheffield.

I genuinely hope that you will find a job soon. I know what it can be like.

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We are also the same too in the industrial world. Yet we can get sacked tomorrow. In fact, this is almost the "norm" nowadays in most jobs, and you cannot complain, moan or whatever, but pick up your stuff and walk out the door with dignity.


I also agree that to a large extent, especially in some of the areas of the government that there is indeed a lack of knowledge, and skills too. Even if you cannot become the specialist that some industry offer, then you have to hire some people who can intrain the staff to reach this level. If I remember, I was put on a course for "IT" within the council, and I could not believe how basic it really is. I thought I was going mad when I realised how much I had to learn in the actual industry itself years later. Yet people complain that they are underpaid ? When really their pension alone will secure their future already. You have to continually learn, and adapt to the changing momentum of the chosen industry that you are in.


All those outsourcing companies just shows how undynamic the government is. IF the standard of the staff was equally as high or the calibre is pretty high, then there would not even BE this kind of outsourcing to happen. What I find is that, by outsourcing, the government themselves can "blame" it on those companies for bad workmanship.


How and WHY would ANY government uses an external security force for their own work ? Why would this happen at all ? You tell me. Shouldn't the government have its own security team and force to deal with any potential ills that may occur ?


Also A4E is a bad company, cos it cannot get people back into work to begin with, and it does not have a good reputation in having connections with the industry itself such that it allows real transition from training into jobs to happen immediately. What is the government doing in pouring money into black-holes ? Why doesn't A4E instead train people to have actual professional certification which enable candidates to at least have a decent chance? Doing so would indeed transition them into real jobs. Not this mickey mouse business. The candidates may even get offer of jobs abroad too. Why don't they offer partial certifications or qualification, and work with local companies to transition these candidates into jobs as to let the market remain competitive ? No cert. No job. Whether this is professional certification for HR, Finance, Banking, or whatever.


---------- Post added 06-03-2014 at 17:27 ----------



Yet the people at the top who should bare the ultimate responsibility (and are paid handsomely to do just that) get away scott free, in fact they're given nice fat bonuses, a promotion, and probably a knighthood.

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The thing is, why are these jobs outsourced to a French firm and not a British firm ? If this is a political move for political sake, then this truly undermines the British workers overall. Surely, the government should outsource only if necessary and only if the skills do not exist in Britain ?

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Yet the people at the top who should bare the ultimate responsibility (and are paid handsomely to do just that) get away scott free, in fact they're given nice fat bonuses, a promotion, and probably a knighthood.


Even when they've been monumental failures. Most people are sacked for incompetence. Others get a golden handshake, a massive payoff, a pension for life then move into another CEO type position.

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The thing is, why are these jobs outsourced to a French firm and not a British firm ? If this is a political move for political sake, then this truly undermines the British workers overall. Surely, the government should outsource only if necessary and only if the skills do not exist in Britain ?


It's gone beyond that now. It's almost open season. They would be running back office functions and call centres for government departments from Cambodia if they could get way with it. There would be nothing left here.


One of the benefits of being in the EU is it stops that sort of thing happening (to an extent) because of various rules and regs around data security etc... but despite that you honestly would not believe how hard IT suppliers (with much assistance from government departments it has to said) have been trying to drive a truck through those rules for quite some time now. An example being repeated attempts to get chunks of NS&I offshored to India which has succeeded to the extent that millions of transactions now actually being processed in India (as boasted by Atos who run the IT for NS&I).


This thread tells a sad story for the people who have been impacted. Sadly it won't be the last time it happens. Jobs will be shipped out whenever possible and to wherever possible.

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