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New bosses, now to lose jobs

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It's gone beyond that now. It's almost open season. They would be running back office functions and call centres for government departments from Cambodia if they could get way with it. There would be nothing left here.


One of the benefits of being in the EU is it stops that sort of thing happening (to an extent) because of various rules and regs around data security etc... but despite that you honestly would not believe how hard IT suppliers (with much assistance from government departments it has to said) have been trying to drive a truck through those rules for quite some time now. An example being repeated attempts to get chunks of NS&I offshored to India which has succeeded to the extent that millions of transactions now actually being processed in India (as boasted by Atos who run the IT for NS&I).


This thread tells a sad story for the people who have been impacted. Sadly it won't be the last time it happens. Jobs will be shipped out whenever possible and to wherever possible.


But surely someone should have thought about that day to come ? Meaning that there should be high automation and data analytic being done. The stupidity is that, we HAVE those companies HERE in the UK. Why isn't the government making full use of British technologies to provide services?


Such highly sensitive data should reside IN the country to begin with !


This outsourcing business is truly taking the mick. Maybe it bumps up the British economy by a tiny bit, but this is ridiculous.




Maybe it is time that the government opened a halfway house like a social enterprise and bring back inhouse the intelligence and the skills that is remaining and left here ?


There is still a National Computing Centre, and a highly educated group of researchers in universities, so how can Britain NOT come up with some kind of solution is way beyond my comprehension. Shouldn't the government spend more money into the universities and get some kind of concept put together or to find this out? Why are they going to outsourcing companies for expertise ?? If they gave grants and let the universities do the research then at least the funding goes back into sustaining the university to begin with. That is how you also reduce the amount of money from going into a black-hole. The current situation is so ridiculous.

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See link, it appears that these poor staff who, were part of DWP just a few months ago are to lose their jobs.


They were sold off to private company who, is now looking to outsource to the continent, got to feel for these poor buggers.


It comments like this that get me.


with the aim of cutting the costs of the UK government's back office functions.


I have no problem with making them redundant to cut costs if the job doesn't need doing, or they are outsourcing to UK based companies employing British staff.


But it appears the job does need doing and the work is moving overseas.


So UK government back office will save money by outsourcing.


At the same time the countries benefits bill will rise.


The question is will the combination of benefits paid to ex staff and fees paid to the Steria group be more than it costs now.


I suspect they will, it just spreads the cost across two different department, and each department is only bothered about their own costs, ultimately it will cost the tax payer more money.

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I work in the public sector and I have huge resposibilities for a poor wage and if I ****ed up, like Ian Duncan Smith the Employment Minister does on a regular basis then I'd be sacked.


Try not to take it so personally. Public sector workers do work hard but that doesn't mean there isn't huge waste too... most of it caused by the senior managers and politicians.

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It comments like this that get me.




I have no problem with making them redundant to cut costs if the job doesn't need doing, or they are outsourcing to UK based companies employing British staff.


But it appears the job does need doing and the work is moving overseas.


So UK government back office will save money by outsourcing.


At the same time the countries benefits bill will rise.


The question is will the combination of benefits paid to ex staff and fees paid to the Steria group be more than it costs now.


I suspect they will, it just spreads the cost across two different department, and each department is only bothered about their own costs, ultimately it will cost the tax payer more money.


Good points. It gets even worse when you add in the impact on local businesses that operate in the areas where the offices were - local shops etc...

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  • 1 month later...

And still it goes on

"Security firm G4S will be considered for government business again after it was barred from bidding for new contracts in a row about overcharging.


The company agreed to repay £109m after an audit found it charged too much for providing electronic prisoner tags.


The Serious Fraud Office is examining G4S and Serco over the contracts."


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They don't make a profit unless they have happy customers!

They have to work damn hard to give good service.


What a load of rubbish, if you have a service where it is an absolute necessity e.g. food and power, people have no option but to use the service affording the business the luxery of aggressiveness. If you can couple that with an agreement from similar businesses (price fixing) you can really stick it to them bigtime. All corporate know that.

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