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Jobseekers conned out of money by scammers on Universal Jobmatch

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Excellent points.


But would you refuse the job if you don't get a contract? And would you have your benefits stopped if you refused it?


Is there a legal requirement for contract of employment, even for temporary jobs? and if not, why not?


There is always a contract..the employer taking you on and you agreeing to work forms a contract..As I understand it you have to have a written statement within 2 months of starting work..or,in the case of a temporary worker, as soon as possible...

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When any potential employer at an interview asks if you have any questions at the end of the interview, always ask if you get a contract of employment if you are offered the position. If the interviewer squirms then you know that they don't like setting out the terms and conditions of the job on paper. A respectable company should be happy to do this as it protects them as well as the employee.

If you are potentially giving up benefits and taking employment you need some assurances because trying to get those benefits back in a few weeks when the job fails is difficult.


As Anna points out, refusing a job on the grounds of not getting a written contract, will likely to lead to a sanction or stoppage of benefits for jobseekers.


I'd suggest having a voice recorder tucked away in the interview, so that you've got a record of any verbal agreements/verbal contracts and so can prove it at a later date, if necessary.

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More than likely if you asked this question at an interview and the company was a little dubious with contracts you wouldn't be offered the job. They will have more than enough applicants who won't ask the question to choose from. We offered a contract on day one setting out terms and conditions. That way we didn't waste money training someone who then refused to sign up to the terms of the contract. It wasn't a bad contract, we just didn't want to waste our time and the new employees.

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