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Being frugal is good.

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I like the word frugal, I guess it the way that I was brought up.

I dont like to see waste, which brings me to my question.

How many people own something that they got for free? I found a tea-towel in the street today, took it home and washed it. It a nice towel, I have found hats, pairs of gloves; I found a can of coke the other week. It was still sealed, I dont normally drink coke, but I drank it.

I can understand these freegans, but too extreme for me ;)



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Being frugal is a necessity in today's Britain.


:hihi::hihi: Not for some.


Including those that make our laws to protect their own interests and their friends' and claim for their lifestyles on our expenses. Also including those that have caused so many hardworking frugal people so much misery ie bankers.

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This is Yorkshire. People are supposed to be frugal but sadly people are losing the touch. Reminded me of this old joke:


A prostitute goes up to a Yorkshireman and says "will you have sex with me for £50?"

Yorkshireman replies "aye go on, I'm a bit tired but I could do with the money"

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I have saved a fortune by removing wood (for my stove) from skips (with owner's consent) and buying bags of wood offcuts for £1 from our local builder's merchant. We have solar panels with the original feed-in tariff of 47p per unit. We eat meals made from leftovers one day a week. We have one 5' wardrobe and one chest of drawers for two of us - it limits the number of clothes we buy. Between us, we can decorate, make curtains, lay flooring, do building work, tiling, plumbing, electrical work, joinery, so the only thing we've ever had to pay someone else to do is woodworm treatment, DPC and asphalting.


Indulgences probably wipe out the effects of the frugality though : travel, eating out and red wine.

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