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Ancient technology more advanced than ours??

could there have been a more advanced civilization?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. could there have been a more advanced civilization?

    • Definitely not, there'd be evidence of it.
    • Definitely not, but I'd consider alien involvement
    • yes, I think it's possible that there could have been and all evidence has gone
    • Not sure/other

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My theory.. is that the human race existed somewhere else before earth....the current earth population grew from a stranded exploration party or maybe the last survivors of the place we left, we lost contact with original ''earth'' over the years. Eventually as the first population died off, we lost the last remaining advanced technology/knowledge and history of our origin that we brought with us ....until finally we have started becoming an advanced civilization again.


maybe we arrived here in our current form and existed along side neanderthals etc etc. until they died off or we fought them off :D

There are records of out of place objects which have been found, such as human skeletons in billion year old rock, artifacts which shouldn't exist, early buildings beyond the capabilities of less advanced civilizations etc. a quick google brings up some examples. (also some evidence to suggest the great pyramids and surrounding buildings were actually a power plant)


also..possibly the ufo sightings over the ages are actually just more evolved humans from the original planet coming to observe us. Being advanced at the time they first came... they would be even more advanced now.


Its a crazy theory ( and one im sort of half joking about ;) ) .....but not one i've not heard anyone else suggest before soo im sticking to it. If it turns out to be true... you heard it here first!!... actually...i may start my own religion thinking about it.. or write a sci-fi novel! :hihi::hihi::loopy:


I know.. your minds are totally blown.

Edited by drummer54as
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My theory.. is that the human race existed somewhere else before earth....the current earth population grew from a stranded exploration party or maybe the last survivors of the place we left, we lost contact with original ''earth'' over the years. Eventually as the first population died off, we lost the last remaining advanced technology/knowledge and history of our origin that we brought with us ....until finally we have started becoming an advanced civilization again.


maybe we arrived here in our current form and existed along side neanderthals etc etc. until they died off or we fought them off :D

There are records of out of place objects which have been found, such as human skeletons in billion year old rock, artifacts which shouldn't exist, early buildings beyond the capabilities of less advanced civilizations etc. a quick google brings up some examples. (also some evidence to suggest the great pyramids and surrounding buildings were actually a power plant)


also..possibly the ufo sightings over the ages are actually just more evolved humans from the original planet coming to observe us. Being advanced at the time they first came... they would be even more advanced now.


Its a crazy theory ( and one im sort of half joking about ;) ) .....but not one i've not heard anyone else suggest before soo im sticking to it. If it turns out to be true... you heard it here first!!... actually...i may start my own religion thinking about it.. or write a sci-fi novel! :hihi::hihi::loopy:


I know.. your minds are totally blown.


Too Late. I remember an old film written on these lines decades ago. and see below.



Arrival (12A)

Showing as part of Audio Description

They have arrived. Vast alien spacecraft touch down across the world, silent monoliths containing unknown inhabitants. It’s up to expert linguist Louise Banks (Amy Adams) to attempt communication, translation and salvation on behalf of Planet Earth.

13 upcoming showings between Fri 25 November & Thu 1 December

Edited by Margarita Ma
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as far as medicine goes, the Japanese and Chinese where far in advance of everyone in the 16th century they could cure most known illnesses, whilst we where still bleeding people.


And the Ancient Egyptians were doing dental work that rivals today's, as well as building temples: pyramids, storing grain in silos for years; had writing; a money/credit system and taxation system that was calculated on the level the Nile reached in the time of inundation (flooding) and determined cropping, thereby making it fair. They knew about personal hygiene and traded with all their neighbours, as well as making war and made the most exquisite jewelery as well as other gold silver and other ornaments that required high temperatures to be used. It is even thought that there was a gold capping on top of the pyramids. From the tomb paintings and temple carving we know that there were lush groves, fields and flooded areas, where they hunted wildfowl and game. All gone now. And the canals that used to take barges into the temples silted up with sand. Statues fallen sideways half burried by the desert. Why? There are lots of theories including meteorites but no conclusive proof as yet.

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Too Late. I remember an old film written on these lines decades ago. and see below.



Arrival (12A)

Showing as part of Audio Description

They have arrived. Vast alien spacecraft touch down across the world, silent monoliths containing unknown inhabitants. It’s up to expert linguist Louise Banks (Amy Adams) to attempt communication, translation and salvation on behalf of Planet Earth.

13 upcoming showings between Fri 25 November & Thu 1 December


Dam! thought i was on to something.


You could have put spoiler alert! i was looking forward to seeing that film :/

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Dam! thought i was on to something.


You could have put spoiler alert! i was looking forward to seeing that film :/


TBH I have not seen it so it is a guess. but a common theme.Aliens arrive we manage to communicate and find they left immigrants behind on an escape from their own ruined or invaded planet. Pretty much what world scientists are working toward for the elite when they finally blow everything to smitherines with the uncontrolled proliferation of Nuclear power plants and weaponry.

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My theory.. is that the human race existed somewhere else before earth....the current earth population grew from a stranded exploration party or maybe the last survivors of the place we left, we lost contact with original ''earth'' over the years. Eventually as the first population died off, we lost the last remaining advanced technology/knowledge and history of our origin that we brought with us ....until finally we have started becoming an advanced civilization again.


maybe we arrived here in our current form and existed along side neanderthals etc etc. until they died off or we fought them off :D

There are records of out of place objects which have been found, such as human skeletons in billion year old rock, artifacts which shouldn't exist, early buildings beyond the capabilities of less advanced civilizations etc. a quick google brings up some examples. (also some evidence to suggest the great pyramids and surrounding buildings were actually a power plant)


also..possibly the ufo sightings over the ages are actually just more evolved humans from the original planet coming to observe us. Being advanced at the time they first came... they would be even more advanced now.


Its a crazy theory ( and one im sort of half joking about ;) ) .....but not one i've not heard anyone else suggest before soo im sticking to it. If it turns out to be true... you heard it here first!!... actually...i may start my own religion thinking about it.. or write a sci-fi novel! :hihi::hihi::loopy:


I know.. your minds are totally blown.


That makes very little sense given the obvious genetic links to a whole chain of other animals and the fossil record of how humans evolved.

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My theory.. is that the human race existed somewhere else before earth....the current earth population grew from a stranded exploration party or maybe the last survivors of the place we left, we lost contact with original ''earth'' over the years.


Indeed, we are the descendants of a class of people who on their homeworld were the hair dressers, lawyers, telephone sanitisers, and people who did other such "worthless jobs".


The rest of people on that world decided to get rid of them and told these people that the planet was to be consumed by a "giant space goat". So they built a ship and sent them off. Telling them that they would follow soon. They ended up on Earth, while the rest of the home world's population was killed off by a raging disease contracted from public telephones.

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That makes very little sense given the obvious genetic links to a whole chain of other animals and the fossil record of how humans evolved.


Well Theories have been proved to be erroneous before.


Remember Piltdown Man a complete hoax.


I was told with great certainty that a lot of pebble like stuff with peculiar shapes that I picked up of the beach was Dinosaur crap I said "It must have been a very constipated Dinosaur to have crap that shape, it looks like one of the bones from an ankle to me." Turns out I was right. Now the scientists think that we evolved from fish not the Apes. Since DNA testing came along theories of how man moved around the planet have changed and plant we thought were in the same genetic families have had to be reclassified. I wonder how many more things we will find out in the years to come, that is of course if the Politicians don't decide to blow us all sky high.

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