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Private Parking Ticket Megathread (Part 2)

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If you have received a private parking ticket in any situation (ie shopping centre, cinema or the airport) Then the is a fully comprehensive guide here:



It tells you in full detail what you need to do from start to finish.


The basics are this:


If you have received a ticket on your car windscreen then you wait for the notice to keeper to come in the post. The only time you dont do this and appeal immediately is when its a hire/lease car or if you have borrowed the car and you dont want the keeper to receive the letter.



Parking companies reject most appeals. When they do they should include a Popla appeal code(so you can do a second stage independent appeal)If this code is not included you must write back and demand it. The is no excuse not to get one.


When you have got this code follow the top link and this will again explain how to win at Popla. You will not win at Popla if you do it on mitigation, ie you were in a rush, the dog was sick or the kids were upset. They don't matter. It could be a matter of life and death and Popla would still not rule in your favour. It has to be on legal points alone.


Ignoring is not a good idea now. If you ignore it gives the company a chance to sue you for up to 6 years from the date of the parking event (5 years in Scotland). You dont want to be going for a mortgage and find out you have a ccj at a previous address, when it can all be sorted out easily.


If you do get Court papers from Parking eye then I ould suggest you buy this guide. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Parking-Prankster-Guide-Fighting-ParkingEye-ebook/dp/B00HSITXYG . Worth £3.60.


For other parking court cases would look on the top link and also http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showforum=60


Finally if you get a council parking ticket go to http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showforum=30

Edited by kirkbylad
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Can I implore people not to write and say "ignore"? Everyone accepts that it is possible to ignore and nothing happens apart from a load of hamster bedding.


You have to accept that the law changed in 2012 and Private Parking Companies can and do pursue people aggressively including issuing court papers against registered keepers.


Dealing with the speculative invoice from a private parking company is best done by letter and an appeal to POPLA.


The larger ones often now do not provide evidence - so for the cost of a stamp you can cost them £27.50+VAT. If enough people do it then the model will begin to change.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In February I received a PCN on my vehicle at Centretainment. After following advice on this forum I awaited to be sent the 'NTK' which arrived last Wednesday.


As I have now received the 'NTK' - This says I am NOT entitled to appeal as the 28 days to appeal has expired. What advice should I follow next? I have read the above links and these indicate I should send a letter to the parking company etc and then obtain a POPLA code? Other websites state just ignore.


I would appreciate any response but in particular if anyone has or is in the same situation to this now or recently then any info would be great



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Our old mate simon wont be a happy bunny tonight, yet another spanking in court. When will these cowboy conmen be outlawed in the same way they had their clamps taken off them. ? Its quite clear these PPC`s are nothing but scammers and conmen , but at present they are allowed to operate . Its time legislation was passed banning these idiots from operating permanently.

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