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Private Parking Ticket Megathread (Part 2)

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Don't know if it helps - but we have photos that were taken on 21st April 2015 showing there were no parking restrictions in place prior to that date out side Iceland, Flora Street, Sheffield - and the sign only says do not park where there are restrictions. If you want copies to cover any documentation you are sending back let me k- now and I will send them via email to you.


Hi Tisnoti, I am currently preparing a witness statement to support my defence of a claim by VCS regarding a pcn issued in March 2015 for parking in the 'unmarked' 'restricted' area next to Iceland on Flora Street. I would appreciate if you would share your photos showing there were no parking restrictions in place. I'm unable to email you as I'm new to the forum so hoping you will pick up this post and get in touch.

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Hi Tisnoti, I am currently preparing a witness statement to support my defence of a claim by VCS regarding a pcn issued in March 2015 for parking in the 'unmarked' 'restricted' area next to Iceland on Flora Street. I would appreciate if you would share your photos showing there were no parking restrictions in place. I'm unable to email you as I'm new to the forum so hoping you will pick up this post and get in touch.


Don't forget that it's widely rumoured that the IAS appeals service is somewhat corrupt.






See the rest of that site and MSE for further comments and advice, also if you have a faceache account https://www.facebook.com/groups/fightyourprivateparkinginvoice/?fref=nf

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Have there been any coordinated efforts to fight back against VCS limited and the companies who contract them?


I'd love to see a concerted boycotting of businesses who contract VCS limited. For example, if there were a list of places they operate, and suggested alternative places to shop (with businesses who do not contract VCS limited).


Is there a list of sites in Sheffield where VCS operate?

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Have there been any coordinated efforts to fight back against VCS limited and the companies who contract them?


I'd love to see a concerted boycotting of businesses who contract VCS limited. For example, if there were a list of places they operate, and suggested alternative places to shop (with businesses who do not contract VCS limited).


Is there a list of sites in Sheffield where VCS operate?


Its not necessarily the shops that employ VCS, its the landowners that own the land that the shops are on, it is my experience that the shops dislike these cowboys as much as us.

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Well I did get a reply from "the appeals administration team" at VCS Ltd,although I did not appeal against the fine.I had already paid it.

I only copied them into the letter addressed to the respective managers of Aldi,Home Bargains and Iceland.

No response from any of these only murmurings of agreement with my comments regarding the expense and inconvenience to both their customers and staff.

I did not appeal because although I was parked for less than 30 minutes in a sensible spot without obstruction to any other vehicles,(together with another 5 or 6 cars) I was not in a designated area marked with white lines.

The point I made is that this area should be either clearly marked as no parking by continuing the yellow hatched lines at the side of Iceland,or it should be marked with parking bays to increase the capacity of the car park.

The salient paragraph from VCS reads:-

"We are satisfied that your vehicle was not correctly parked within a marked bay as required by the terms and conditions of the car park.It is the motorists responsibility to find an authorisedmarked baywhere their vehicle can park correctly within the lines,if none are present then the car park is deemed full and the motorist needs to find an alternative place to park."

So good luck to any one who successfully appeals but it is what it is.a money grabbing scheme designed to fleece motorists.

As above comments I very much doubt that the shops on the site have any sway on how this company operates.

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Roger, It wasn't a "fine", merely an invoice for a supposed breach of contract. This is not criminal law, so they are in no position to "Fine" anyone.

Incidentally you're not alone, I got stung years ago, in the first week when they took over the car park on the roof of Broomhill shops. I mistakenly took it as a genuine fine and paid up, only subsequently finding out the truth.


VCS/Excel were almost guaranteed to turn down your appeal, as if it was upheld, then they wouldn't get much in the way of income, so they try to hoodwink folks with spurious threats in the hope that they will pay voluntarily.

Parking companies have to be a member of a trade association, with an independent appeal service, in order to get the Registered Keeper's details from the DVLA.


There's only two, the BPA & the IPC; VCS/Excel are members of the latter.

IPC is owned by John Davies and William ‘Will’ Hurley.


An appeal to VCS will most likely fail, some would argue that's because they make their own rules.


That then "allows" you to appeal to their "Independent" adjudicator the IAS.


Again, some would contest their independance, When/if your appeal fails, your handed back to their client (VCS in this instance) who then hand your case over to debt collectors to make threats about debt collection.(I think Excel use BW Legal, but I'm not sure)


One of the other popular debt collectors is Gladstones.


Guess who owns Gladstones; Yes you got it in one - John Davies and William ‘Will’ Hurley, who run the trade body.


There's plenty of reading on the net about the whole sordid affair.


See these links;


Is the Independent Appeal Service a kangaroo court?


Gladstones Solicitors


Will Hurley and John Davies member reaches new low


Gladstones don't seem terribly efficient either from what I can gather.


Simon Renshaw-Smith runs VCS/Excel, so have a search for his name, but Here's a Start

He was formerly known as Captain Clampit


Incidentally, I'm not against private parking companies per say, just the unscrupulous ones, who make their income from these "invoices", for very little outgoings on their part.

There is quite clearly a need for making sure private car parks aren't abused, in the same way that, like it or not, there is a need for traffic wardens.

One ethical alternative business model, on chargeable parking, is "pay on exit". Obviously there are others.


In answer to one of your points above "The point I made is that this area should be either clearly marked as no parking by continuing the yellow hatched lines at the side of Iceland,or it should be marked with parking bays to increase the capacity of the car park."

If they did that, they would lose one of their primary sources of income from that particular car park; I guess you're starting to understand their business model now. ;)


See also the following links;








So they do go to court, but not very often, and I understand that they don't normally win against a well prepared defence.

Edited by peak4
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have just received a parking ticket from Smart Parking, for parking in Kilner Way just under two hours on a non-match day (28 January). I am really annoyed at receiving this as I more than double checked that I was allowed to park up to three hours. Having had an appointment in Hillsborough, which I made because there was no home match (don't go to Hillsborough on a home match day), then as I drove up past the stadium at 2.30 p.m. there were definitely no signs of an event and parked correctly at Kilner Way shopping centre. The first shop I entered I asked the security guy at the doorway if I was allowed up to three hours and he verified that on a no-match day I was.

I visited three shops, time passed quickly as I take time in browsing, did intend to go for a coffee in the new Dunhelm store but after a 10-minute wait decided not to bother. Actually 90 minutes (the time if match is on) is by far not enough time to visit more than a couple of shops if you are not a regular visitor and an older person who has difficulty in walking.

I have addressed an appeal on the Smart Parking site for this and am awaiting a reply, but I should never have been sent the "fine" in the first place. This has thoroughly annoyed me as at the moment I am not at the home address and it has really upset my invalid brother who is now petrified that bailiffs are going to turn up - he watches a lot of TV!

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Kilner way'.. parking information states 3 hours 'free' parking and 90 minutes for events days at the stadium..//...Do not fear the arrival of bailiffs.. they ''might'' turn up, if you are a habitual bad payer who is well known for that fact and who owes lots of money to lots of different people... they don't even enter into private parking charges. If this 'Smart parking' is a private company... that is what they are... private companies.. they have no more power to take money off you than your neighbour does. They may later refer your charge to a 'debt collection' agency... they too have no powers to make you pay. You need only to pay these ''charges'' if and when they start court proceedings... which is very very unlikely... it's a chance you take. // I know this doesn't help or answer your query.. so if it eases your mind.. then just pay up... because they don't listen to any excuses .. the automated demand letters will keep on coming.

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