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Private Parking Ticket Megathread (Part 2)

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How are the tickets actually issued at Centertainment? I had an argument with a Parking Attendant last week, he started out saying that if Id been caught on the cameras Id get a ticket, but then said 'I was going to let you off until you got an attitude'! :roll:

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How are the tickets actually issued at Centertainment? I had an argument with a Parking Attendant last week, he started out saying that if Id been caught on the cameras Id get a ticket, but then said 'I was going to let you off until you got an attitude'! :roll:


Windscreen mainly. But some they just take a photo and issue you a ticket through the post with nothing on the car( not ANPR)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I appealed against a pcn received by Highview Parking Limited when I parked in the car park at Hillsborough and was successful. I appealed against them because they had stated on the pcn that the address where I had parked was 145 Bradfield Road, which is a carpet shop. If you want to see the letter I sent when I appealed, please let me know and I will post it on here.

Below is the decision from POPLA.



xxxxxxxxxx (Appellant)


Highview Parking Limited (Operator)


The Operator issued parking charge notice number xxxxxxx arising out of the presence at 145 Bradfield Road, on XXXXXXXX, of a vehicle with registration mark xxxxxxxx.

The Appellant appealed against liability for the parking charge.

The Assessor has considered the evidence of both parties and has determined that the appeal be allowed.

The Assessor’s reasons are as set out.

The Operator should now cancel the parking charge notice forthwith.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 18 September 2014

Reasons for the Assessor’s Determination

On 30 July 2014 the Operator issued a parking charge notice to a vehicle with registration mark xxxxxxxx. The Operator recorded that the vehicle was parked in violation of the terms displayed on the signage.

The Appellant raised more than one ground of appeal, however, I will only deal with the ground upon which the appeal is being allowed. Specifically, the Appellant contested the Operator’s authority to issue parking charge notices for the site in question.

Membership of the Approved Operator Scheme does require the parking company to have clear authorisation from the landowner, if it is not itself the landowner, as to its role in relation to the parking control and enforcement. This is set out in the BPA Code of Practice. However, as with any issue, if the point is specially raised by an Appellant in an appeal, then the Operator should address it by producing such evidence as it believes refutes a submission that it has no authority.

The Operator has not produced any evidence to demonstrate that it is the land-owner; or, that it has the authority of the land-owner to issue parking charge notices at this site. Once the issue is raised by an Appellant, it is for the Operator to demonstrate that it has authority, and a mere statement to the effect that it has a contract will not be sufficient.

Consequently, I must find that the Operator has failed to produce sufficient evidence to refute the Appellant’s submission that it did not have authority to issue a parking charge notice.

Accordingly, I must allow the appeal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back in January I received a parking fine of £50 for overstaying by half an hour in B&M car park in Hillsborough. I wrote to them explaining why I went over on my limit and attached proof of purchase in their shop. They replied saying my statement was unsuccessful and my fine then went up to £75.


Family and friends have stated in the past if it is not a council car park, they have no legal rights to fine you (therefore you can ignore the threats as they can't do much). However, I have received several letters since then threatening to take me to court and the most recent one (only sent a few weeks back) stating that my application had been forwarded to a 'debt collector' and they were now dealing with the situation, threatening to come to the house and possess my items to make up the amount in which I owe.


I thought they would have left it by now but still nearly a year on they are continuing threatening. The address they have for me is my family home which I no longer live at and don't even have the car anymore that I was fined for! And to add to this my family are moving out of the house in the next few weeks. I doubt they will be able to trace me after this (unless the new owners of the house pass info on if debt collectors was to arrive at house).


I just wanted people's opinions on how far this usually goes, the fine now up to around £150. I imagine once moved out of the house they can no longer track me (however they may find a way of tracking where I live now- I have no idea!!)



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Just read the last couple of pages or so which has got me thinking. I've been to the cinema at Centertainment a couple of times in the last month and had a meal each time so probably been there 4 hours each time.

All this discussion about tickets is making me uneasy about going back to be honest, is that really what the cinema and restaurant owners want ? People reluctant to go due to the real possibility of getting a ticket ?

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Back in January I received a parking fine of £50 for overstaying by half an hour in B&M car park in Hillsborough. I wrote to them explaining why I went over on my limit and attached proof of purchase in their shop. They replied saying my statement was unsuccessful and my fine then went up to £75.


Family and friends have stated in the past if it is not a council car park, they have no legal rights to fine you (therefore you can ignore the threats as they can't do much). However, I have received several letters since then threatening to take me to court and the most recent one (only sent a few weeks back) stating that my application had been forwarded to a 'debt collector' and they were now dealing with the situation, threatening to come to the house and possess my items to make up the amount in which I owe.


I thought they would have left it by now but still nearly a year on they are continuing threatening. The address they have for me is my family home which I no longer live at and don't even have the car anymore that I was fined for! And to add to this my family are moving out of the house in the next few weeks. I doubt they will be able to trace me after this (unless the new owners of the house pass info on if debt collectors was to arrive at house).


I just wanted people's opinions on how far this usually goes, the fine now up to around £150. I imagine once moved out of the house they can no longer track me (however they may find a way of tracking where I live now- I have no idea!!)




First of all its not a fine


Secondly i assume you are getting letters from debt recovery plus?


---------- Post added 17-10-2014 at 13:01 ----------


Whats the difference between the two, is the appeal process and such the same???


Completely different


One is open honest, fair (POPLA), the other IAS (run by the IPC) isnt open open, there is no proof its independent and IPC companies all run their systems on "consideration", so what wins at POPLA wont win at the IPC

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