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Muslim Extremists trying to take over schools

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Wrong again, I'm not suggesting anyone should be deprived of choice, I'm questioning the irrational objections of the Brinsworth parents to halal meat which they don't know whether has been pre-stunned or not.


So you are questioning someones right to choice, you think one group is irrational whilst you pander to the other groups wishes. And once again their main complaint is the ban on pork.

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Just to throw this in the pot so to speak, Radio Sheffields Jennie Els i think her name is stood out side the said school this morning trying to find some one who agrees with the school decision to take pork off the menu, she predominantly ask Asians what they thought about it, she could not find one person asian or not that agreed with it, All of them said it was crazy. they did have letters from the school last week informing them of the SCHOOLS decision to remove pork from the menu.

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Just to throw this in the pot so to speak, Radio Sheffields Jennie Els i think her name is stood out side the said school this morning trying to find some one who agrees with the school decision to take pork off the menu, she predominantly ask Asians what they thought about it, she could not find one person asian or not that agreed with it, All of them said it was crazy. they did have letters from the school last week informing them of the SCHOOLS decision to remove pork from the menu.


Sounds about right, just an over reaction then by the school, doing something they think is best for the minority at the expense of the majority.

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Sounds about right, just an over reaction then by the school, doing something they think is best for the minority at the expense of the majority.

Why does it not come as a surprise that its not actually Muslims that caused the problem, it's always the do gooder Muslim apologists that cause most of the problems.

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So you are questioning someones right to choice, you think one group is irrational whilst you pander to the other groups wishes.
Isn't that exactly what you're doing?

And once again their main complaint is the ban on pork.


Not according to the Daily Mail article linked to.


---------- Post added 10-03-2014 at 21:22 ----------


Why does it not come as a surprise that its not actually Muslims that caused the problem, it's always the do gooder Muslim apologists that cause most of the problems.


Loving 'do gooder Muslim apologist', do you think the 'do badder pitchforker apologists' come out of this with any cause to celebrate?

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Although there's the constant claim of racism because of the regular threads about Muslims, its not racist, its merely reporting facts. The sect of Islam is not compatible with civilization.....


Until there is change withing the sect itself this will just get worse...


What Muslims and their apologists need to understand is that the world is getting tired of their constant moans and claims of being victims... We need to banish various things from this country, to start with...


1. Homophobia. Gay men are still hanged for, well, being gay.... Unless the sect changes their view on homosexuality, they will continue to be derided... I think as a act of good will Mosques should offer sanctuary for gay men and offer marriage services...


2. Sexism. Women are no more than second class citizens in the sect. I know there's weak arguments to suggest otherwise, but they're just a smoke screen.


3. Sharia Law. Dump this cave man inspired list of rules. They are only fit for uneducated dim wits and have no role to play in a modern society.


4. Stop trying to make changes with education and other public service providers. If you don't like the way things are done. Move.


5. Animal cruelty. The sect is particularly blood thirsty, they treat animals in an appalling way. Torture them daily in the name of the sect.


6. The sect is particularly good at biting the hand that feeds their mouths... Protesting about OUR soldiers, murdering them here or abroad is not really compatible to being accepted, now is it?


No doubt there are many more like not blowing your fellow citizens to pieces in suicide attacks, or the constant drain on resources by the security services having to uncover plots to kill innocent civilians...


Of course all is not perfect amongst the other dwellers of the country who have not been indoctrinated into the cult.... but we are well behind their dubious at best and bloodthirsty at worst behavior....


There is a massive back lash about to occur... those in power and those who constantly make excuses for this type of behavior are not in the loop... as to what is happening...


Of course there are many Muslims who don't behave in the ways mentioned. Problem is they won't speak out. This can either be through fear or that they agree with the actions...


Bearing all this in mind one can only state that the country would be better off without Muslims, unless their is change...


Hatred beget hatred. Hatred breeds fear. Fear breeds fear. Negative emotions build and the "them and us" attitude becomes a habit, and then it becomes a social phenomena and it dilutes other people's thinking too, and their karma and then your fear turns into reality when others begin to be affected by your own doing.


If people are more mature, then they should indeed have self discipline and see rationality. Those who are weak and cannot see and practise decent judgments, will and shall always find a way to blame someone, for all ills, or blame someone for their actions and their lives too.


To live without compassion, or without religion is like a time bomb ready to go off at any point in time.



Self-centredness and narcissistic breeds fear. If you are suffering inside, then don't try and find a scapegoat, or find a group of others to scapegoat with.


Let it GO.

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Hatred beget hatred. Hatred breeds fear. Fear breeds fear. Negative emotions build and the "them and us" attitude becomes a habit, and then it becomes a social phenomena and it dilutes other people's thinking too, and their karma and then your fear turns into reality when others begin to be affected by your own doing.


I people are more mature, then they should indeed have self discipline and see rationality. Those who are weak and cannot see and practise decent judgments, will and shall always find a way to blame someone, for all ills, or blame someone for their actions and their lives too.


To live without compassion, or without religion is like a time bomb ready to go off at any point in time.



Self-centredness and narcissistic breeds fear. If you are suffering inside, then don't try and find a scapegoat, or find a group of others to scapegoat with.


Let it GO.


I couldn't put it better myself... so I hope they listen to you...


Paradoxically, your link is to Buddhism whom are slaughtering Muslims all over the place... Such a peaceful people they are...

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