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Muslim Extremists trying to take over schools

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I couldn't put it better myself... so I hope they listen to you...


Paradoxically, your link is to Buddhism whom are slaughtering Muslims all over the place... Such a peaceful people they are...


Buddhism isn't slaughtering anyone - some people who call themselves Buddhists are slaughtering people.

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Why does it not come as a surprise that its not actually Muslims that caused the problem, it's always the do gooder Muslim apologists that cause most of the problems.


That's the problem, most of the stick Muslims get is because of the people wanting to change things and pander to what they think they want, rather than it being orchestrated by them. The people that want to do an un-warranted right by them are probably those that do the most harm.

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Yep tough for us... that's the problem. Why should non-Muslims be forced to eat halal food because Muslims choose to limit what they can eat? Why are we racist bigots for not wanting your choices imposed on us?


I said earlier in the thread that I don't agree with the brinsworth school decision as 80% of. Non halal eaters will have to do without pork etc and that whoever came to that decision needs sacking.

The Muslims didn't ask for the other non Muslims to suffer in the process and there lies the problem.

I have worked in a commercial kitchen where both halal and non halal meals were made so I know it can be done.

I said racist bigots because I don't see the Jewish Kosher way of killing animals being discussed on any thread, it's always the Muslims halal meat under attack.

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Isn't that exactly what you're doing?





Not according to the Daily Mail article linked to.

According to the parents it is.


Loving 'do gooder Muslim apologist', do you think the 'do badder pitchforker apologists' come out of this with any cause to celebrate?


I wouldn't know, I haven't come across any. :)

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Buddhism isn't slaughtering anyone - some people who call themselves Buddhists are slaughtering people.

But they are Buddhist none the less... I detect that this is yet another one of you pet groups who you like to patronize and won't hear no bad about...


Just for your information Buddhists can be violent thugs, just like any other people..


Of all the moral precepts instilled in Buddhist monks the promise not to kill comes first, and the principle of non-violence is arguably more central to Buddhism than any other major religion. So why have monks been using hate speech against Muslims and joining mobs that have left dozens dead?



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I couldn't put it better myself... so I hope they listen to you...


Paradoxically, your link is to Buddhism whom are slaughtering Muslims all over the place... Such a peaceful people they are...

There has been a lot of things in the past that is bad. Some people may learn the lesson, but others do not. But this is life.


Thanks for pointing that out. Out of the situation, there is always a positive and a negative, and you chose to point out the negative and the historical aspect to justify too. Please, do use good judgments and common sense, and give it some perspective. Why dig up the past when the current is what you can do to make changes now. Between blaming and criticising, and living the "right now", what will you choose ?


If your mind can continually brain hemorrhage, it then means to me that you are suffering from a bad habit, or from some kind of past, and you cannot see past that to seeing the situation right now.

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But they are Buddhist none the less... I detect that this is yet another one of you pet groups who you like to patronize and won't hear no bad about...


Just for your information Buddhists can be violent thugs, just like any other people..


Of all the moral precepts instilled in Buddhist monks the promise not to kill comes first, and the principle of non-violence is arguably more central to Buddhism than any other major religion. So why have monks been using hate speech against Muslims and joining mobs that have left dozens dead?




I'm well aware of that thanks; I was just pointing out your error.

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I'm well aware of that thanks; I was just pointing out your error.


Oh well, perhaps you ought to be more clear, your muddling thinking doesn't half cause some dispute. Perhaps you should listen to the Buddhists about thinking and clearing the mind of clutter (garbage in relation to your brain)...:hihi:

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