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Muslim Extremists trying to take over schools

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The commitment to the family is one which denigrates women. Is entirely male orinted.


islam commits muslim to world domination, read its history, you will see how it has tried to do this since the 6th century.


alchohol, in moderation is not an evil, christ turned the water into wine.Some of the greatest artistic accomplishments were carried out under the influence.


I agree with you on two of your points. Islam does denigrate women, as do all the Abrahamic religions. It is no coincidence that the two States in the world that allow men and not woman to vote are The Vatican and Saudi Arabia. Interestingly, as of 2015, women will be able to vote in Saudi, no plans to mirror this in the Vatican.


I also agree with you regarding Alcohol. Those who believe alcohol to be Haram are lacking in their scriptual knowledge. The only thing that is Haram is going to prayers whilst drunk.


Both Qu'ranic verses and various Haddiths explicitly state that Muhammed drank alcohol.


However, I do disagree with your interpretation of Islamic history. It was very common practice for Muslim invaders to allow the indigenous population to continue to practice their own religious beliefs on the condition that they paid a higher tax rate called Jizya and landowners were made to pay Kharaj. Peaceful co-existence occured for centuries, especially in Islamic Spain and the Byzantine/Ottoman Empire.


Conversely, when Christian's took over countries they wiped out entire races (Spain in Latin America, us and the French in Africa, the Crusades etc) and enforced conversion under the threat of death.


Consider the most prominent political and religious movements of the last 2000 odd years;








Of these, it is historical fact (as far as records show), that Islam is responsible for the least deaths of these movements or ways of life.


The only thing wrong with Islam is that it is practiced by Humans. It is they who are vile, aggressive and dangerous, not the religion.

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Conversely, when Christian's took over countries they wiped out entire races (Spain in Latin America, us and the French in Africa, the Crusades etc) and enforced conversion under the threat of death.


Consider the most prominent political and religious movements of the last 2000 odd years;








Of these, it is historical fact (as far as records show), that Islam is responsible for the least deaths of these movements or ways of life.


The only thing wrong with Islam is that it is practiced by Humans. It is they who are vile, aggressive and dangerous, not the religion.


Are these records just in your head, if not can you supply to figures to support your stance.

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The commitment to the family is one which denigrates women. Is entirely male orinted.


islam commits muslim to world domination, read its history, you will see how it has tried to do this since the 6th century.


alchohol, in moderation is not an evil, christ turned the water into wine.Some of the greatest artistic accomplishments were carried out under the influence.


In Islam, "paradise is found at the feet of the mother"... you cannot be more equivocally pro-woman than that. (Islam gave woman many rights, eg to run business, to access education, inherit property etc,a thousand years before the west were still debating whether women and the black man had souls or were worthy of salvation)


World domination? *splutters her drink over the keyboard* lol, you need to see someone about that paranoia! lol, Ask anyone who knows me, I'm not interested in world domination!


Alcohol in moderation... This may be true, but drinking alcohol, like taking drugs, dulls the brain, and does untold damage to the body. This is one of he reasons it has been declared Haraam for us.


---------- Post added 09-03-2014 at 16:50 ----------


Good! No school should serve halal meat! The halal process involves torturing animals to death through exsanguination. It is barbaric, totally unnecessary and totally unacceptable.


You must be being deliberately hard of thinking, or deliberately disingenuous, if you do not get that ALL meat is exsanguinated, by reason of the way the animal is killed...


You have read here, and been told so many times, what halal slaughter is meant to entail, and how quick and painless it is, when done properly.


But if you prefer your meat to have been terrified, hungry and thirsty, in its own filth, battered, and manhandled after being dragged miles to the abattoir, to be killed in front of its herdmates, by a filthy bolt through its skull, you go ahead.


When I go back to eating meat, I'll have the meat from animals who have been killed cleanly, who haven't been maltreated, and who have been fed and watered, and had less stress on them.

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You must be being deliberately hard of thinking, or deliberately disingenuous, if you do not get that ALL meat is exsanguinated, by reason of the way the animal is killed...


You have read here, and been told so many times, what halal slaughter is meant to entail, and how quick and painless it is, when done properly.


But if you prefer your meat to have been terrified, hungry and thirsty, in its own filth, battered, and manhandled after being dragged miles to the abattoir, to be killed in front of its herdmates, by a filthy bolt through its skull, you go ahead.


When I go back to eating meat, I'll have the meat from animals who have been killed cleanly, who haven't been maltreated, and who have been fed and watered, and had less stress on them.


Unless you care for the animal yourself and kill it yourself you won't know that that is how the animal was treated and killed.

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Their commitment to the family.


Their peaceful values.


Their lack of gambling, alcohol etc.


I agree. If you have friends who are muslims, then you know what Islam can be like. I also do not like to read and get too involved in these hysterias which is spreading across the globe sometimes. People talk as if they know you directly and personally, and even go as far as to say predict how you behave too. I do wonder if anyone ever stop to think and listen to what they say about themselves and about others too.


Maybe it is addiction ?



I was reading that today. I wonder if this also happens to adults too when they expose themselves to certain things. Exactly which of the 8 million of ethnic minorities are really making such a serious impact on the whole of the country's social ills.


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In Islam, "paradise is found at the feet of the mother"... you cannot be more equivocally pro-woman than that.
It's one thing to defend the status of women in Islam, but to claim that you 'cannot be more equivocally pro-women' than Islam is in a gross insult to all your sisters both here and around the world being oppressed in a whole multitude of different ways by Muslim men on religious grounds.
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It's one thing to defend the status of women in Islam, but to claim that you 'cannot be more equivocally pro-women' than Islam is in a gross insult to all your sisters both here and around the world being oppressed in a whole multitude of different ways by Muslim men on religious grounds.

And you slotting women into a pigeon-hole actually means that you have no idea how women can be and are like. Cos you like in this "conceptual" world of how you think women are and not truly look with your eyes opened.


Do you actually know any muslim women in this country ? Do you even know who they are ?

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Are these records just in your head, if not can you supply to figures to support your stance.


Nope, the worst atrocity on record perpetrated by Muslims is the Hindu Kush (what the Mountain range and the strain of cannabis is named after). Approximately 1.8 Million Hindu's were killed.


Christianity has the Holocaust and the Crusades, as well as the Spanish atrocities in Latin America, British and French incursions into Africa et al. There is extremely strong evidence to suggest that The Vatican supported the Nazi's financially and helped prominent Nazis flee to Peron's Argentina. They included Eichmann (the architect of the Holocaust) and Mengele (a Dr at Auschwitz, not a Dr who you would like to visit when you were ill).


Capitalism has WW2 (us and America joined to defend our commercial interests, not to protect anyone). And pretty much every war waged by the West since


Communism has Mr Stalin and has 60 million odd murders, plus Vietnam and a few other Asian wars.


Athiesm, well you have Mr. Mao to thank for the 50 million death toll



I would go in to more detail but I think my efforts would be wasted. I am not a Muslim, I am an athiest so have no axe to grind or passion to defend Muslims. I am talking the truth.


In Islam, "paradise is found at the feet of the mother"... you cannot be more equivocally pro-woman than that. (Islam gave woman many rights, eg to run business, to access education, inherit property etc,a thousand years before the west were still debating whether women and the black man had souls or were worthy of salvation)


Alcohol in moderation... This may be true, but drinking alcohol, like taking drugs, dulls the brain, and does untold damage to the body. This is one of he reasons it has been declared Haraam for us.



You are being disingenuous I feel. Whilst Islam certainly pioneered the equality of women, it has fallen drastically behind over the last century or so. You (female Muslims) are an oppressed people but as you are conditioned to believe this is the norm, you accept it. In a similar way to the black people in the field of America mostly just accepted their lot.


It is more the culture of Islam than the Scripture that advocates the maltreatment of women. FGM and forced marriages are a massive issue, as are inheritance laws passing the estates of the deceased to the oldest son, regardless of any ladies in the family.


You are hidden away in a degrading costume that eats at your self esteem. Islamic culture is based around desert climates, yet your woman are made to wear long black robes! This makes you sweat and feel unattractive. I know of many Muslim women in Sheffield who have been disowned by their families, 5 off the top of my head. None have committed a crime. I know more Muslim men than women and they are embraced by their families despite the fact that many of them sell drugs or drink or fight.





On your comments on alcohol, please provide me with scriptual evidence supporting your claims that alcohol is Haram. This must be from the Qu'ran or the haddiths only, not a scholars interpretation.

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