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Muslim Extremists trying to take over schools

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So why not do that then instead of torturing the poor animals to death through exsanguination!


Because they don't want to and will play up when they don't get their own way.


---------- Post added 10-03-2014 at 07:08 ----------


I am very curious what they say in there prayers for eating non halal meat, please enlighten?



Oh Allah! Bless the food You have provided us and save us from the punishment of the hellfire.

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Originally Posted by kidley View Post

I am very curious what they say in there prayers for eating non halal meat, please enlighten?




Oh Allah! Bless the food You have provided us and save us from the punishment of the hellfire.




The only minimum thing a Muslim has to say is what he/she would say when eating usually- and that is 'Bismillah'


To enlighten you- if a non Muslim serves food (chicken/beef/lamb) to a Muslim- and the Muslim does not know it is halal- but the person serving it is from the People Of The Book-they can pronounce 'in the name of Allah' and eat it.

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Pupils aged between three and 11 at Brinsworth Manor Infant and Junior Schools in Rotherham - which Ofsted identifies as having only a small number of pupils from minority ethnic groups - will no longer be able to enjoy sausages, bacon or ham.



Halal slaughter is performed by a Muslim butcher in the name of Allah in a way to avoid severing the spinal cord. slashing animals' throats in 'ritual' slaughters for halal. Its like going to the dentist without anaesthetic.


It's these sorts of things that do make people believe that we are pandering far too much to the Muslim way of life, so much so that we're having to adapt our own way of life to suit.


What I'd like to know is who made this decision? - The Muslim parents on Radio Sheffield this morning were saying that they believed that pork should remain on the menu and it should be a matter of choice for the parents/child. Sometimes you find these decisions are made by lefty do gooders who do more harm than good for race relations.





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Pupils aged between three and 11 at Brinsworth Manor Infant and Junior Schools in Rotherham - which Ofsted identifies as having only a small number of pupils from minority ethnic groups - will no longer be able to enjoy sausages, bacon or ham.


Yes they will. They just won't get them at school dinners.

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Pupils aged between three and 11 at Brinsworth Manor Infant and Junior Schools in Rotherham - which Ofsted identifies as having only a small number of pupils from minority ethnic groups - will no longer be able to enjoy sausages, bacon or ham.
Could I ask where you got that information from?


Halal slaughter is performed by a Muslim butcher in the name of Allah in a way to avoid severing the spinal cord. slashing animals' throats in 'ritual' slaughters for halal. Its like going to the dentist without anaesthetic.


That doesn't answer the posters question:


What is inhumane about pre stunned halal meat?

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The only minimum thing a Muslim has to say is what he/she would say when eating usually- and that is 'Bismillah'


To enlighten you- if a non Muslim serves food (chicken/beef/lamb) to a Muslim- and the Muslim does not know it is halal- but the person serving it is from the People Of The Book-they can pronounce 'in the name of Allah' and eat it.


Muslims must be the people that are lying because it is a quote from Muslims.


He hath forbidden you only carrion (decaying flesh of dead animals), and blood, and swine flesh, and that which hath been immolated (kill or offer as a sacrifice) to any other than Allah.


Which means UK Muslims can eat any of the meat produced in British abattoir, other than Pig, its is Muslims that choose not to even though Allah permits it.

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Muslims must be the people that are lying because it is a quote from Muslims.


Well, a general Muslim could say anything but if they are ascribing something then it needs to be authentic.


This was what some early Muslims did- saying 'Bismillah' when Islam was in its early stages.


Today there is less excuse due to the widely availability of halal/kosher meat.


If however, a Muslim is served meat from the people of the book and he/she is unsure of it being slaughtered Islamically, but the person serving is Christian/Jew- then he/she may say 'bismillah' and eat it.

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Well, a general Muslim could say anything but if they are ascribing something then it needs to be authentic.


This was what some early Muslims did- saying 'Bismillah' when Islam was in its early stages.


Today there is less excuse due to the widely availability of halal/kosher meat.


If however, a Muslim is served meat from the people of the book and he/she is unsure of it being slaughtered Islamically, but the person serving is Christian/Jew- then he/she may say 'bismillah' and eat it.


Yes they can say what they like and if you want to say the brief alternative to the original Du'a, that is your prerogative, none of this changes the fact you can eat any of the meat produced in the UK because there is no requirement from Allah that it be slaughtered in a particular way.


Halal simply means acceptable or permissible, it’s the opposite of ‘haraam’ which means ‘unacceptable’ and all meat other than Pig is permissible, nothing produced in a British abattoir is haraam.

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