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Go HopeCity!!!

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Just curious if anyone's been to the "Event" that goes on every Sunday night at the Megacenter in Sheffield. It's advertised as Sheffields biggest party. Pretty amazing. I have been a few times. Worth checking out.




I got kicked out! Unfortunately my satan worshiping doesn't go over that well -party poopers!


Satan is lord! Satan is lord!!:love:

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Religion is for gulible people who cannot think for themselves. It was a great way for the powers that be to control the masses back in the early days, but i am amazed that educated people still fall for this rubbish. Lets look at some basic facts


Virgin births......come on get real. :loopy:

Fossils are put there by god to test our faith........yeah right :huh:

The bible was written sometime in the 4th century (there abouts).......not exactly upto date then was it at the time, 400 years of word of mouth stories!

Noahs Ark.....Now just think about the logistics of that one.


I could go on forever..........and finally over 90% of the worlds troubles are caused by religion. When will we all grow up and realise its a big con trick.


I'll stick with Mr. DArwin thankyou.



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