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World war two souvenirs

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Todays "ELF N SAFETY" would be horrified at some of the "Toys" we played with back in the fifties, lee enfield rifles, bayonets, de commisioned hand grenades, japenese ceromonial swords, etx.All brought back from the war by our elders .

Any one here experiance such innocent pleasures. ?:hihi:

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Dad had a huge sword with writing on the blade and a bayonet, both of which he kept in the wardrobe at grandma's. I don't really know where they came from but being an avid reader of Boy's Own Magazine I just assumed they were from dead Germans.

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yes we did have a 9mm German Lugar I know it was still in working order because we shot the Black market pig down in the cellar, mind u did lose my taste for pork for a very long time LOL

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A friend of my dad who was in WW2 having served in the far east (Burma I think, and might have even been a prisoner of war at some point) his name was Jim Flanagan, I believe he lived on Cyclops St at the time. He brought back some Japanese souvenirs, I know he had an automatic pistol and gave me a wooden dog tag with some inscription burnt into the wood and also a diary which was in very good condition, every page was full of very neat small Japanese writing. Needless to say being a kid I didn't know the value of anything like that, just think what might that diary have divulged had it been looked after and translated. We've all done similar stupid things I suppose, by not preserving and looking after such artifacts, but that's life isn't it?

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my dad brought a japanese officers sword back from Malaya it belonged to the commanding officer of the town of taiping father was a driver for general and he gave the sword to my father and a note to let him bring it home he had to sell it for £100 when he was short of money and he didn't know I had been offered £1000 for it

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Todays "ELF N SAFETY" would be horrified at some of the "Toys" we played with back in the fifties, lee enfield rifles, bayonets, de commisioned hand grenades, japenese ceromonial swords, etx.All brought back from the war by our elders .

Any one here experiance such innocent pleasures. ?:hihi:


-hiya going back in time my dad brought home several souveneers I remember a belt made from a horses harness, it was full of british army cap badges, a german belt and a police bayonet. a hunting knife in a sheath which i've still got a banjo, and a suitcase made of wood this is still in use as a toolbox, this was full of chocolate bars, the kids round our way had a real fuddle.`

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Dad had a German Luger.

He showed it to me when I was about ten years old, and old enough to understand history.

There was no ammunition...and I've no idea how he came by it.


Anyone remember an amnesty?

Not sure when it was, but highly publicised at the time to reduce unlawful guns in public possession.

Dad walked into the cop shop at Hillsborough and placed it on the counter.

The young copper on duty did a runner,lol.

A senior colleague dealt with it, and the weapon handed in.


I remember being a bit miffed when he told me the story...I always thought I would get to have the gun.....for no other reason than a memory of Dad.

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The kids of today don't know what danger is, all they have to contend with is Stanley knifes and broken glass in the street but us older generation know what pain is, if we did not polish fathers shoes right we would get a 44 cold rifle shot straight to our head and would not even get a paracetamol for it! Just a bowl of tepid water and a old sock to wrap around the wound

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The kids of today don't know what danger is, all they have to contend with is Stanley knifes and broken glass in the street but us older generation know what pain is, if we did not polish fathers shoes right we would get a 44 cold rifle shot straight to our head and would not even get a paracetamol for it! Just a bowl of tepid water and a old sock to wrap around the wound


"Aye, and you try telling young people of today that. And they won't believe you"

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