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Recreational bike rides - Seeking company!

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Hi all, I've recently started using my bike to get around and have discovered how great bike rides are! I'd like to have some company on bike rides and adventures around Sheffield...Not many of my friends in Sheffield have bikes so I thought I'd give this a go!


I'm quite fit, I like to keep active and enjoy running - but I'm no cycling fanatic.


I'd like to get to know Sheffield better by just cycling around exploring!


I'm 22 and enjoy company of all ages.




We'll be doing Bradfield dam weekends

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi there! I actually live a 1 min walk from Amici & Bici so know it well! I haven't been on any of the breeze rides although I did sign up to it...I got really into my running and the bike has been resigned solely to a form of transport! It's lovely to receive your message, i'm sort of in the same boat - I don't know much about cycling and I'm not daring enough to go very fast! I'm sure you must know lots of routes due to your husband's love of cycling? Are you still interested in finding a cycling buddy? My reply is a bit late...only just got around to sorting my emails out!


Hope you are well,




And now its my turn to apologise for the late reply!!! Yes, it would be great to meet up as i've tried to bully all my friends into buying bikes but none of them appear to be listening. I've booked onto a Breeze ride this Friday which sets off from Endcliffe park. Im also hoping one of the Breeze ladies is going to sort out some guided rides for novice riders soon, so that should be interesting. Her idea is to build up the routes as the riders get more confident.


My husband probably does know some good routes but as he likes a challenge when he's on his bike, i'm not so sure that he is the best person to ask.


If you are interested though please send me a PM and we can arrange to meet at the cafe.


And if anyone else is interested - the more the merrier.

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You'd be welcome to join in one the Critical Mass rides which take place on the last Friday of each month, starting outside Sheffield Town Hall at 6pm. Next one is Friday 30th May.


All are welcome, but tends to attract a younger/non-stereotypical cycling crowd. The emphasis of the ride is enjoying an easy ride around the city centre, celebrating the joy of cycling and generally meeting new people. Ride is normally 45-mins to an hour at easy pace, followed by pub!


More info here - https://sites.google.com/site/criticalmasssheffield/

Or on the Facebook page here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/CriticalMassSheffield/?fref=ts

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