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Sniping at coincidences

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Well we all know around 70 were killed in Ukraine, during the riots, but what is not told to the plebs is that 26 shot by snipers were police in uniform. So killing through sniper fire at unarmed protestors appears to be an outrage, something the world has to do something about.


What some might not remember is that in Syria, snipers also shot unarmed protestors, and we all know what led to.


Most recently in Venezuela which is having parallel demonstration to those in Ukraine, again against the newly elected leader, similar and coincidental to that in Ukraine, is that, you got it, sniper fire against unarmed protestors, which we know will lead down a particular well trodden road.


So it appears a particular format / blueprint is being used to stir up global opinion to depose two recently elected leaders and one elected leader.


Another complete coincidence is that the USA wants all 3 sovereign states to come under the influence of corporate America. Also Ukraine and Venezuela opposition got specific funding from UNCLE SAM, coincidentally the same amount each.


Strangely all three are not client states of the US.


None of these are remotely connected, and are miles apart, and I dare not suggest anything unusual is happening, but anyway, I am not here to snipe at anyone.

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His work here is too important, letting us lot know whats going on ;)


I think he's got his prescription now so we we might not hear from him for a bit. It's either that or his communist masters have him working on other projects than infiltrating the good and simple folk of SF.

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