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Malaysian airlines plane missing

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Is there anyone else checking these satellite maps ?


Check out my tags on is here:



I have found quite a few fair sized objects all very close to each other in an alignment, what do others think ?


I couldn't get the thing to load properly, but I do think it's a great idea. I was only saying to other half earlier today that with satellites that can read a newspaper headline from space, you'd think they could use them to find things like this.

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Anna its a pity you cant get it lo load, I have just found some things that look like wings now, really dodgy this because its all in the same area.


---------- Post added 13-03-2014 at 05:18 ----------


You get square after square with nothing but sea and them in the bottom right hand side I have found several large objects and shapes. Then two of them next to each other looks like a wing broken into two, bottom left/center.


I was getting fed up of looking until I came across the first feature, then just kept finding them one after the other.


I would like someone else to please look if you can and tell me if I'm being stupid or if you can see the same things.


---------- Post added 13-03-2014 at 05:56 ----------


1067 squares of map and tagged 24 objects, of those at least 6-8 of them want looking at closer I reckon.


They are probably just ship wrecks but you never know.

Edited by Mr Clowning
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Apparently there is an article in the Wall St Journal claiming that the Rolls Royce engines continued to send back data to the UK for another 4 hours after last contact with the plane.



Edited by chalga
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Probably will crash into a world landmark soon and boyfriends, halibut will claim its nothing to do with those very pleasant Muslim folk


That's the most absurd and unlikely suggestion that I've seen all week.

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