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Malaysian airlines plane missing

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So what if he was? What would that have to do with the mystery surrounding the disappearance?


Well let's have a think. A regular guy flying a plane would keep to the flight plan, keep his radar identity switched on, keep in radio contact and should there be a problem he would report it. A terrorist probably wouldn't.

So if you are looking for a plane where a pilot got into trouble there is a pretty good chance you will know where to look. But if it was under the control of a terrorist it could be anywhere.


Oh I nearly forgot. A regular guy wouldn't crash unless he had a major problem.

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Apparently there is an article in the Wall St Journal claiming that the Rolls Royce engines continued to send back data to the UK for another 4 hours after last contact with the plane.




If that's the case then it isn't surprising it hasn't been found..it could be in some remote area of Australia or even Papua New Guinea.

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If that's the case then it isn't surprising it hasn't been found..it could be in some remote area of Australia or even Papua New Guinea.


Malaysian transport minister is now dismissing the story,still insists that the last engine info was transmitted at 0107am.

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Apparently there is an article in the Wall St Journal claiming that the Rolls Royce engines continued to send back data to the UK for another 4 hours after last contact with the plane.




Malaysian transport minister is now dismissing the story,still insists that the last engine info was transmitted at 0107am.


Rolls Royce will know the actual facts of this I would think...

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If that's the case then it isn't surprising it hasn't been found..it could be in some remote area of Australia or even Papua New Guinea.


It would have been detected by military radar somewhere along the way surely.

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They say that they don't know for sure that this is this missing flight that was tracked on radar,but surely there is a way that they can find out if it was another plane they were tracking by checking with airlines/authorities who can confirm or deny that they know of another flight on that flight path at that time.

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Yeah, but somebody was making the point it could have got to PNG or Australia. The point I was making is that it would have had to cross either Malaysian/Indonesian airspace on Borneo, maybe Philipines airspace then into Australian airspace. The chance of it plotting a course to avoid all military (and civilian) radar on such a route would be minimal. If it did keep flying most likely it headed out to open sea away from radar.

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