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Malaysian airlines plane missing

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I agree bedrock ,all this is a bit strange ,from day one .


Found this from a french newspaper and found it very interesting and make you wonder if the plane has landed somewhere ??? also read somewhere they was a passenger that had inside info about something or another.


Heres what it said .............................


Malaysia Airlines: Twenty engineers "Freescale" on board


So there were twenty employees Freescale group aboard the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines. They were en route to a business meeting in China.


It is the Group CEO, Greg Loewe, who announced in a press release stating that twelve of them were Malaysian nationality, eight Chinese nationals


Freescale Semiconductor is a firm based in Austin. It has a dedicated team of specialists to support defense forces.

Freescale's commercial products cover various sectors

-Communications on the battlefield

-The avionics

, radar HF bands L and S

-Le missile guidance


-The identification, friend or foe (IFF)


Freescale produce a wide variety of chips that can be used for many different things. You can find out what they produce where they expect them to be used by looking at their web site. Given the large list of application areas in that link, all of which many different Chinese companies will be interested in producing products for, what evidence do you have that the Freescale employees on the flight specialised in supporting defence products and not automotive/health care/household appliances/computing/one of the many other areas their products can be used in?


Currently you, and the people you are following, are doing the equivalent of saying 'Ryman sells paperclips to the MOD therefore everyone who works for Ryman is involved in defence work'.

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Call it conspiracy theories if you like


I already did do,but just to make it clear..........it's a conspiracy theory,that's why every sensible person has realised for a while now that it crashed somewhere.........now they know better where it crashed,that's the area they are looking now.

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This "news" hasn't been news for the last 2 weeks despite daily headlines.


It crashed. Everyone died. That's it. Nothing more to see.


Do you not think it strange that it has apparently crashed a couple of thousand miles in the opposite direction to the one it should have been travelling in?

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Freescale produce a wide variety of chips that can be used for many different things. You can find out what they produce where they expect them to be used by looking at their web site. Given the large list of application areas in that link, all of which many different Chinese companies will be interested in producing products for, what evidence do you have that the Freescale employees on the flight specialised in supporting defence products and not automotive/health care/household appliances/computing/one of the many other areas their products can be used in?


Currently you, and the people you are following, are doing the equivalent of saying 'Ryman sells paperclips to the MOD therefore everyone who works for Ryman is involved in defence work'.


Well dont think they was making paperclips:suspect: .....ive just searched the net again for a different news article on the subject and ive quoted the part about the freescale crew below and also a link .....

in order to kill key technology personnel who were on board this flight: another angle that so far has not been properly investigated. The 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor work on technology such as making aircraft invisible to radar. Coincidence?




This opens up further possibilities: some of them on board were used to assist in making the aircraft "invisible", or other hijackers on board, or a plot involving MOSSAD (based on usual likelihood given past track record of involvement in downing aircraft around the world) Israel's secret service, rather than the more amateurish Iranian secret service, or indeed any other group that wants either the technology or to know how it works and to defend against it -- are behind either an abduction of the personnel in order to gain such knowledge, or a suicide, murder, or shoot-down of the aircraft




And another news article stating the same info



Edited by littlewizzle
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Of course it won't look too bad from a few hundred feet up. You try sailing, finding and recovering wreckage in swells of 20 metres plus.


Theyre not using rowing boats to search! The ships deployed are more than up to the task im sure.

Still nothing yet though unsurprisingly.

They have apparently had a good idea that this was the supposed crash site for a few days but only today are they sending over something to detect the black box from the usa! Of course given the hundreds of planes there are in service there is only one machine capable of finding a black box!

Edited by yellowperil
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Do you not think it strange that it has apparently crashed a couple of thousand miles in the opposite direction to the one it should have been travelling in?


Speculation about how and why it crashed is all very well. Daily reports about searches in various bits of the Southern Ocean just aren't necessary. Last week we had a Malaysian minister stating definitely that someone had fiddled with the comms. A week later...all phooey. 2 weeks ago it was people sneaking on board with false passports.


Every single second is conjecture. It's not news. When and if they find the wreckage that will be news. 2 weeks of "Nothing found, search extended" isn't news, it is the absence of news.

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Their not using rowing boats to search! The ships deployed are more than up to the task im sure.

Still nothing yet though unsurprisingly.

They have apparently had a good idea that this was the supposed crash site for a few days but only today are they sending over something to detect the black box from the usa! Of course given the hundreds of planes there are in service there is only one machine capable of finding a black box!


Even with ships, tackling swells is no easy task. Have you ever sailed a ship or boat?

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Speculation about how and why it crashed is all very well. Daily reports about searches in various bits of the Southern Ocean just aren't necessary. Last week we had a Malaysian minister stating definitely that someone had fiddled with the comms. A week later...all phooey. 2 weeks ago it was people sneaking on board with false passports.


Every single second is conjecture. It's not news. When and if they find the wreckage that will be news. 2 weeks of "Nothing found, search extended" isn't news, it is the absence of news.


How about the data from Inmarsat?



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Their not using rowing boats to search! The ships deployed are more than up to the task im sure.

Still nothing yet though unsurprisingly.

They have apparently had a good idea that this was the supposed crash site for a few days but only today are they sending over something to detect the black box from the usa! Of course given the hundreds of planes there are in service there is only one machine capable of finding a black box!


Sounds like you're presenting an argument from ignorance.

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