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Malaysian airlines plane missing

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I have been giving this Diego Garcia thing some thought,and the first thing that enters my mind is "but what the hell would they want with the plane and passengers?"

Before anyone shoots me down as a conspiracy nut here,just hear me out on this scenario...

What if the intentions of one of the pilots(or even a hijacker),was to crash into(or land) at Diego Garcia?

Hear me out still:D.......

What would the protocol be from the guys at DG?if they saw an unidentified plane heading towards them,surely they would try and intercept it,with severe consequences if the pilot/s didn't adhere to warnings?

Bear with me just one more time.....

What response would the U.S give to the world in this scenario?(or none at all?),would it really admit to shooting down 239 people?,even in a hijack situation?.

One thing I did find a little strange,is the last known location(military radar),it was heading West towards the Maldives,but the officials are adamant (or at least before this new found footage)that it must have flown on the air corridor(even though they couldnt say north or south:huh:)Well why couldn't it have stayed west towards the Maldives?

My theory all this time was pilot suicide,because no other theory really makes sense,but then there is also holes in the suicide theory.

Just a thought.....


If anyone is going to pose somewhat outlandish scenario's then i'd rather it be the likes of you Pete. Someone who's willing to accept any theory being shot down given reasonable evidence against, and debate that in a reasonable manner from there on. Too many nut jobs with agenda's on here for me to take most posts serious.

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I have been giving this Diego Garcia thing some thought,and the first thing that enters my mind is "but what the hell would they want with the plane and passengers?"

Before anyone shoots me down as a conspiracy nut here,just hear me out on this scenario...

What if the intentions of one of the pilots(or even a hijacker),was to crash into(or land) at Diego Garcia?

Hear me out still:D.......

What would the protocol be from the guys at DG?if they saw an unidentified plane heading towards them,surely they would try and intercept it,with severe consequences if the pilot/s didn't adhere to warnings?

Bear with me just one more time.....

What response would the U.S give to the world in this scenario?(or none at all?),would it really admit to shooting down 239 people?,even in a hijack situation?.

One thing I did find a little strange,is the last known location(military radar),it was heading West towards the Maldives,but the officials are adamant (or at least before this new found footage)that it must have flown on the air corridor(even though they couldnt say north or south:huh:)Well why couldn't it have stayed west towards the Maldives?

My theory all this time was pilot suicide,because no other theory really makes sense,but then there is also holes in the suicide theory.

Just a thought.....


Remember (Egyptian Airlines? or similar name), Gameel El-Batouti?[sp]. Never 100% proved I don't think, but it certainly looked like a suicide mission, but the transponder (to my knowledge) was never interfered with.


If the transponder was interfered with in this case, suicide could be a viable reason, but a more well thought out plan than Batoutis (if his was suicide)... however...


(that isn't a theory btw, I've not kept up with thread or story), it's just a thought to respond)) - I don't like to guess with this type of thing. It often takes experts in the field years to work things out, even when they actually find the thing quickly. People these days want answers on the spot. It just doesn't work that way. That's probably where conspirasists (ok 3 tries and can't spell it, probably isn't a word!) come in.


It's probably fair to say that the reason that these types of conspiracy theories are continuously becoming more common, is more likely due to vast amounts of information availability, in particular to people who aren't that bright.

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does anybody know if the they've been accessing the phone records of all the passengers? I know that we are told to turn them off, but somebody may have forgotten or if they were in some sort of hazardous situation they may have attempted to call for help .if this happened, even if they were not connected there would be a record of which phone masts they were near.

I believe the aircraft flew over inhabited land and these masts may have some information?

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I have been giving this Diego Garcia thing some thought,and the first thing that enters my mind is "but what the hell would they want with the plane and passengers?"


I don't think anyone would want the passengers.


Hear me out :D


There's conspiracy theories that 911 was an inside job, now I'm not going to start trying to convince anyone that any of that is true or not but one thing that no one can deny from that is that is was enough to cause enough outrage globally that no one was going to stop Bush from having a war in Iraq, a place that they had no proof had anything to do with it and in fact were found to have cooked up the evidence they say they did have.


Still with me ?


Well there is a lot of people that want the same sort of war with Iran, but there is nothing really to justify such a war and in fact they are trying to subdue any fears people may have about them by going into talks and trying to show that they are not a threat. To some nothing Iran could do would ever change what they think of them and having a plane that they could set them up with in another mass 911 type civilian massacre would give justification for a strike while the world was still debating it exactly like Bush did.


So the people on the plane I cannot see anyone wanting but I could see the use for a plane, one that could be re dressed and made to let people think it belonged to someone else.


Conspiracy theory yes, but it answers the question.

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You mean without DC acknowledging the landing and take off?


The link has the passengers alive in a Faraday hangar on the pretext that it wouldn't enable them to make calls..all you have to do is strip them of everything. If it got into trouble and landed, why would the US military keep a Malaysian commercial flight there as well as keeping it under wraps?


Maybe the yanks have developed a tractor beam, yeah that's it, a tractor beam...how silly of me not to realise that.


The giant Faraday cage idea is nuts of course. I'm not speculating on reasons why but it is entirely possible it could have reached Diego Garcia.

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The giant Faraday cage idea is nuts of course. I'm not speculating on reasons why but it is entirely possible it could have reached Diego Garcia.


Which was my initial point which you had a problem with.


As to reaching DG, yes it's entirely possible but, as the suggestion was made by a fruitcake site the probability is much less likely.

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As plausible scenarios go (for as unplausible an end position as the plane supposedly reached), I'd be leaning towards a semi-catastrophic impact or breakage of some sort, at or very near the cockpit area (meaning no time to mayday), causing sudden decompression, with the alternative plane routing and cockpit-based beacon/electronics/comms outage as by-products of the damage.


Basically, a repeat of the 2005 Helios Airways Flight 522 event.


Far more plausible (IMHO) than the aliens/Diego Garcia/suicide/<etc> scenarios.

Edited by L00b
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