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Malaysian airlines plane missing

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Diego Garcia military and intelligence base – has a gamut of advanced observation and detection equipment which should have facilitated the search of the Malaysian airlines plane.


quote/Reuters (28th March, 2014, quoted by Matthias Chang):

The US has a state of the art spy satellite system, with very precise capabilities of monitoring the earth’s surface, including moving objects. These technologies are part of the United States Space Surveillance Network. The Diego Garcia base “is one of only a handful of locations equipped with a Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance system for tracking objects in deep space”. Given the levels of sophistication of these observation technologies, it is highly unlikely that the MH370 flight could have travelled unnoticed over a large span of the Indian Ocean.


Why would they be tracking commercial jetliners though? If their tracking is as sophisticated as is said, they may well have identified the aircraft, but then not tracked it as they knew it was a 777, and they're 'always' being tracked by civilian sources.


The place would be swamped with data if they monitored everything in the air, when it's only the things which the public don't know about that they are interested in.

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It is truly all very tragic and there seems to be a lot of incompetence in regard to the search and losing track of it in the first place.


What fascinates me more than anything is given how long it takes to produce and edit etc a documentary how come there was one on TV about this before it had been missing a week?


Makes me wonder...if no-one else.


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It is truly all very tragic and there seems to be a lot of incompetence in regard to the search and losing track of it in the first place.


What fascinates me more than anything is given how long it takes to produce and edit etc a documentary how come there was one on TV about this before it had been missing a week?


Makes me wonder...if no-one else.



Makes you wonder what? That there is some form of conspiracy involved and the documentary makers are somehow in on it? Such a shame that after all the planning that must have gone into it that the conspiracy was foiled by airing a TV show too soon.



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Why would they be tracking commercial jetliners though? If their tracking is as sophisticated as is said, they may well have identified the aircraft, but then not tracked it as they knew it was a 777, and they're 'always' being tracked by civilian sources.


The place would be swamped with data if they monitored everything in the air, when it's only the things which the public don't know about that they are interested in.


it's not the 1950's one bloke half asleep at a radar screen2am in the morning.

they're useing banks of computers recording everything 24x7 these days.

I think its inconceivable that the US at deigo garcia do not know what happened to Malaysian flight MH370! They have the capability 24×7 to spot a Russian submarine launch an ICBM at any time of the day, live, in any part of the world ! A Boeing 777 is at least 10x larger than the ICBM, with enormous heat signature and slow-moving comparatively! If the they do not know what happened to this flight that flew at least 4-5 hours after disconnecting communications somethings wrong.


I get the feeling flight mh370 never went anywhere near the indian ocean.

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I think its inconceivable that the US at deigo garcia do not know what happened to Malaysian flight MH370! They have the capability 24×7 to spot a Russian submarine launch an ICBM at any time of the day, live, in any part of the world ! A Boeing 777 is at least 10x larger than the ICBM, with enormous heat signature and slow-moving comparatively!


Exactly. There's an enormous amount of data being filtered by the computers to allow the relevant bits to be shown to people monitoring the skies.


I doubt very much that they're interested in commercial air traffic, it's not much of a threat to anyone, and any aircraft they do detect can be simply removed from the data fed to the operators.


The challenge then is to find out if the computers stored any data about the aircraft, and to dig out the relevant parts. If this base is capturing as much data as people say, that task could take months.


Then there's the bluffing - a) countries like the US want everyone to believe they can detect a gnat's fart; and b) when it comes to revealing information, they don't want people to know they can only do that over the US, yet struggle to detect a volcano in Africa.

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never underestimate where conspiracies may be involved and to what extent people will go to make them believable or cover them up.


also don't have sleepless night about that which you can do nothing



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Exactly. There's an enormous amount of data being filtered by the computers to allow the relevant bits to be shown to people monitoring the skies.


I doubt very much that they're interested in commercial air traffic, it's not much of a threat to anyone, and any aircraft they do detect can be simply removed from the data fed to the operators.


The challenge then is to find out if the computers stored any data about the aircraft, and to dig out the relevant parts. If this base is capturing as much data as people say, that task could take months.


Then there's the bluffing - a) countries like the US want everyone to believe they can detect a gnat's fart; and b) when it comes to revealing information, they don't want people to know they can only do that over the US, yet struggle to detect a volcano in Africa.


I think you'll find after 9,11 the US is very interested in commercial air traffic, especially off course.

as for the US bluffing theres alot at stake here for" Boeing "which is one of "USA's "biggest export earners. The question is whether MH370 suffered an inflight technical fault which can be blamed on Boeing technology, or whether it is a technical fault which can be blamed on poor maintenance and failure to fit approved parts.

. In the past Boeing airliners have suffered cockpit fires because pilot oxygen hoses conducted electricity through anti-kink springs. All airlines were required in April 2012 to replace these hoses because they can cause oxygen fed electrical fires and have been known to melt through the cockpit skins,


if anyones bluffing It would be Malaysia Airlines as they wont tell us is whether they replaced those hoses and carried out other maintenance properly.

. Malaysia which controls the search effort has persistently tendered false and misleading information to keep shifting the focus of search efforts. If the cause was poor maintenance then it is not in Malaysia's interests to find the aircraft.

USA has to find the aircraft and the cause to assert the safety of Boeing products, meanwhile Malaysia is creating another side show trying to blame pilot suicide or terrorist hijacking to distract the public even further.

the politics behind it all are the US jobs and Malaysian jobs which are on the line .

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China's Haixun 01 ship has detected pulse signal in the South Indian Ocean, Xinhua news agency reports.

The signal, at 37.5 kHz per second, was picked up by a black box locator at 25 degrees south latitude and 101 degrees east longitude.

It is yet to be determined whether the signal is related to the missing flight MH370 of the Malaysian Airlines, the report says.

The signal was picked up at 3:57pm, which lasted about one minute and a half,




37.5 kHz is chosen a beacon frequency for its power to propagation ratio. Most distance detectable for least power. "It could be a distress beacon from a ship"

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China's Haixun 01 ship has detected pulse signal in the South Indian Ocean, Xinhua news agency reports.

The signal, at 37.5 kHz per second, was picked up by a black box locator at 25 degrees south latitude and 101 degrees east longitude.

It is yet to be determined whether the signal is related to the missing flight MH370 of the Malaysian Airlines, the report says.

The signal was picked up at 3:57pm, which lasted about one minute and a half,




37.5 kHz is chosen a beacon frequency for its power to propagation ratio. Most distance detectable for least power. "It could be a distress beacon from a ship"


but its dragged along 20.000ft under the sea, would it be picking up beacons on the surface? and wouldnt the ships and planes see a ship in distress to know to discount it?


more on the story here


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