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Malaysian airlines plane missing

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My only problem with the Diego Garcia scenario ( ignoring the reasons why ) is you would need an awful lot of people to pull it off.

The more people involved equates to a greater potential for leaks or whistleblowing. The organisation behind such a scheme would require

a very detailed plan and cover every contingency. But of course you can't cover every contingency because you don't know every contingency.

[ Remember Donald Rumsfeld and the famous '...There are unknown unknowns...' speech ]


And then there's the endgame, how do you finalize such a scheme? kill everyone off and dispose of every single piece of hardware? or release

everyone along with a plausible story. Then there's the emotional trauma caused to the relatives. They may not buy your story no matter how

good it is, suddenly you have a whole new group of people who want revenge on nations who were complicite in the plot.


Do you remember the film 'Capricorn One':- its about a mission to Mars, but unfortunately the spacecraft cannot carry enough oxygen. So the

space agency decide to fake the mission, they launch the rocket but take the astronauts to a film studio where they act out the mission. However

a couple of things happen to spoil the space agencies plans. If you haven't seen the film is well worth a watch.


Trailer for Capricorn One

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I've certainly heard of, and at time 'handled', corporate spying, but...taking out a multi-multi-multi-$-millions airliner and several hundred passengers to get at this information would a tad on the extreme side :hihi:


/conspiracy (at least where "Freescale employees on board" is concerned)


By the time the search and rescue has finished, the US will have pumped enough dollars into the operation it would likely have been enough to buy-off the Freescale employees 10+ fold anyway.

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According to the FBI, The pilot had the co ordinates of the landing strip (big enough for a Boeing) on his flight simulator.


He was using Microsoft Flight Simulator, he will have had the coordinates of basically every permanent runway on the planet.


The flight had 20 high level employees of the Freescale company who have valuable patents pending on research into semi conductors.


None of this information as far as I'm aware has featured in mainstream media which makes me suspicious.


The news about the freescale engineers was in the mainstream media pretty much immediately. The Register BBC Freescale


Rumour: A GPS mobile phone signal from a passenger on board the plane have been received from Diego Garcia.


The only people who would be in a position to know this are the American authorities. And they're not likely to reveal it. So you can pretty much discount any rumours which involve hushed up GPS signals. Remember GPS is effectively a US Military system - only they know what data is being sent to their satellites, nobody else can listen in.


The internet is lit up like a Christmas tree. There are plenty of sources. It really doesn't need Anonymous to carry on like this. It gives the internet a bad name.


The internet is full of loonies. They fit right in at Anonymous.

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He was using Microsoft Flight Simulator, he will have had the coordinates of basically every permanent runway on the planet.




The news about the freescale engineers was in the mainstream media pretty much immediately. The Register BBC Freescale




The only people who would be in a position to know this are the American authorities. And they're not likely to reveal it. So you can pretty much discount any rumours which involve hushed up GPS signals. Remember GPS is effectively a US Military system - only they know what data is being sent to their satellites, nobody else can listen in.




The internet is full of loonies. They fit right in at Anonymous.


The internet is also full of information. Ironically the 3 sources you quote are all internet sources, not mainstream media. Even the BBC source (where the information is buried near the end) is the internet, this did not appear on the BBC news, or in the papers.


Also I doubt very much that Microsoft flight simulator contains details of a secret airbase that hardly anyone knows is there until now.


Why would the American Authorities want to hush up a GPS signal which is highly significant?


Anonymous do come across as loonies and are hardly to be taken seriously, but there are many other better validated sites which contain the same information.

Edited by Anna B
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What exactly do you disagree with?


I disagree with nonsense.


Did you glean any of it from mainstream media?

Why not?


I have watched hardly anything of the coverage. I don't need to.


---------- Post added 08-04-2014 at 14:12 ----------


The internet is also full of information. Ironically the 3 sources you quote are all internet sources, not mainstream media. Even the BBC source (where the information is buried near the end) is the internet, this did not appear on the BBC news, or in the papers.


Also I doubt very much that Microsoft flight simulator contains details of a secret airbase that hardly anyone knows is there until now.


Why would the American Authorities want to hush up a GPS signal which is highly significant?


And still it comes :roll:

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Also I doubt very much that Microsoft flight simulator contains details of a secret airbase that hardly anyone knows is there until now.
Point your browser to:




As regards the bit in bold, the US military presence at Diego Garcia has been public knowledge for decades, e.g. regularly included in fictional techno-thrillers since at least the 70s if not earlier.

Ironically the 3 sources you quote are all internet sources, not mainstream media.
Not being facetious, Anna, but this is the 21st century: Internet news centres such as the BBC and The Register (these 2, very certainly for UK audiences) are mainstream media, and certainly more credible and in-depth than the abridged and inherently ephemeral TV and print versions. Edited by L00b
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The internet is also full of information. Ironically the 3 sources you quote are all internet sources, not mainstream media. Even the BBC source (where the information is buried near the end) is the internet, this did not appear on the BBC news, or in the papers.


Also I doubt very much that Microsoft flight simulator contains details of a secret airbase that hardly anyone knows is there until now.


Why would the American Authorities want to hush up a GPS signal which is highly significant?


Anonymous do come across as loonies and are hardly to be taken seriously, but there are many other better validated sites which contain the same information.

Diego Garcia is not a secret airbase. It even has a wiki page.



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