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Hi, I need some advice on coping with anxiety and panic attacks please

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Hi there,


Needing some advice please. I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks and depression. My flat mate and the person I depend on is going for his driving test tomorrow and I'm terrified. I'm nervous for him but am also worried about being on my own and that I won't be able to get in touch with him. I know I'm being silly and selfish, but I'm really worried. Please help, any advice would be good thanks :)

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In the short term deal with it. Your partner will be away a couple of hours at the most probably. I don't think he will want the extra burden of your anxiety and panics when most likely he'll have enough on his plate. Certainly don't keep ringing him while he's on his test every 5 mins either. If you're level headed enough to take advice off here you're also level headed enough to listen to your own advice..struggle with it, it won't last long.

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Hi there,


Needing some advice please. I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks and depression. My flat mate and the person I depend on is going for his driving test tomorrow and I'm terrified. I'm nervous for him but am also worried about being on my own and that I won't be able to get in touch with him. I know I'm being silly and selfish, but I'm really worried. Please help, any advice would be good thanks :)


If you can keep quiet why not go along with him, may calm both your nerves.

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Hi there,


Needing some advice please. I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks and depression. My flat mate and the person I depend on is going for his driving test tomorrow and I'm terrified. I'm nervous for him but am also worried about being on my own and that I won't be able to get in touch with him. I know I'm being silly and selfish, but I'm really worried. Please help, any advice would be good thanks :)


Do you have any friends or family who can come over while your flatmate is out to keep you distracted?


Is their instructor going to be in the car with them? If so, can always ask to make sure their phone is with the instructor in case you have a panic attack?


Remember, it will be okay. If the housemate passes, just think of the freedom you two will have together!

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Thanks so much for your advice and for replying :)


I'm trying not to let onto him how much I'm worrying cos I don't want to burden him and I won't ring him when he's in his test, I think he's going to turn his phone off anyway (which I understand but am totally freaked out about!)

I keep thinking its not long, but to me when I'm worrying or panicking it will feel like a lifetime.

As for going along with him, I suggested that but I think I'd be panicked doing that plus I don't wanna distract him.


With regards to family and friends, the only 2 friends I have round here are off travelling for the month. Other friends and family live about 45 mins - 1 hour away. One of my flatmate's brothers have offered to come over, and I so appreciate it, I'm thinking of accepting but I'm worrying about him coming over aswell. I'm so scared of having a panic and not being able to calm down. I really don't know what to do.

I'm not sure if his instructor is going with him on the test, but yeah that's a good idea, thanks :)

Yeah true, it will be amazing if he passes! I so hope he does because it means so much to him.


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Thanks so much for your advice and for replying :)


I'm trying not to let onto him how much I'm worrying cos I don't want to burden him and I won't ring him when he's in his test, I think he's going to turn his phone off anyway (which I understand but am totally freaked out about!)

I keep thinking its not long, but to me when I'm worrying or panicking it will feel like a lifetime.

As for going along with him, I suggested that but I think I'd be panicked doing that plus I don't wanna distract him.


With regards to family and friends, the only 2 friends I have round here are off travelling for the month. Other friends and family live about 45 mins - 1 hour away. One of my flatmate's brothers have offered to come over, and I so appreciate it, I'm thinking of accepting but I'm worrying about him coming over aswell. I'm so scared of having a panic and not being able to calm down. I really don't know what to do.

I'm not sure if his instructor is going with him on the test, but yeah that's a good idea, thanks :)

Yeah true, it will be amazing if he passes! I so hope he does because it means so much to him.



I know very little about panic attacks,so if my advice sounds stupid I apologise.But couldn't you go to bed for a couple of hours when your flatmate is out.

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Panic attacks are horrible, I have friends and relatives (well a relative) who suffers from them and it is horrible.


Do you have medication? If so can you not dose yourself up before he goes so you fall asleep (most anti-anxiety medication has sleep inducing properties).

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Are you doing anything to try and learn to cope with the stress and anxiety attacks?








Theres a lot that is in your hands and if you learnt the techniques then you would become less dependant, worry less and be able to cope better.


I am approaching this from the anxiety angle rather than stress or depression. There are of course other groups for those.


In this instance, the suggestion above about getting someone to come over seems a good solution. If this isnt on, then are you able to leave the house?


Maybe you could phone the helpline from one of the above charities so you cna chat with someone during the relevant time?


Alternatively have you got any good films, books or TV to distract you? Do some cooking, cleaning, gardening, relax, bake anything you enjoy doing. Doesnt sound as though it will be more than a morning or afternoon.

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Sorry to hear about your friends and relative struggling with them Charmer. They are horrible :(


I'm not on medication at the moment, I would in a way like to try and sleep through it lol.



Yeah Tigger, I see my doc and I'm having CBT therapy which is helpful but sometimes I find that when there is a really stressful thing I'm worrying about I can't always calm myself down or remember what I need to do to calm down.

I can't leave the house on my own really, so that's not really an option.

Yeah I could try ringing those places in the time period. Or try distracting myself. I'm worried that my panic will rise despite me trying to distract myself.

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