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St Peters School, left 1983

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Hi there I left there in May 83 I still keep in touch with some friends from then.

Teachers I can remember were, male teachers O`conner Sykes Silcock Burton Haslam Baldwin Giles (deputy head) Bagnall Cherry Kennedy Warhurst Mcgowan McNerny Pearson, female teachers Hopkins Humphreys Earwaker Marshall (deputy head) etc. The head teacher was Mr Allen.

The only teachers I really disliked were :mad: Haydock, she was a nasty peace of work, I was in one of her classes once and she was so verbally abusive to one lad he cried in front of everyone. She used to pick on me a lot till I spoke to Miss Cable (who sadly died young) then she ignored me, I dropped French as soon as I could so I didn`t have to put up with her and her sarcasm any longer. The other was :mad: Reek, another bully, I remember a lad that had left came back to get her back but he ran off when some of the male staff were alerted.

:thumbsup: On the whole I enjoyed my school days, it would be great to hear from others who left in 83.:thumbsup:

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Who are you snippysnoo, I must know you & you must know me!!!

I remember most of the teachers you mentioned.

Miss Marshall was one of the worst for our gang, she gave me the ruler across my hand.

Mrs Earwaker's name was pronoused Erica, we made her life a misery.

Mr O'Connor & Mr Kennedy were absolutely great teachers.

Mrs Reek was the PE teacher before they got a new one & of course she was a lesbian (weren't all PE female teachers).

Mr Sykes the maths teacher was a compulsive liar.

Who was Miss Cable?

I remember Miss Schofield, all the lads fancied her.

Mr Warhurs married another teacher, didn't he have bad skin?

Mr McNerny use to go in a pub at Grenoside, we saw him in there once when we went still as kids.

I think I'm getting Baldwin & Kennedy mixed up remind me who they were, what they taught?

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Hi dynamicdebz, my friends at school were Diane Curbishley and Jayne Taylor.

Who are you? Who were your mates? We must have been in the same year at school. What house were you in? I was in Moore, I think the other houses were Campion, Ludlam and Fisher.

Mr Baldwin taught geography Mr Kennedy taught science.

Some of the teachers are dead now, I know Mr McNerney and Silcock are dead now as is Sister Concepta I also believe Sykes is as well. He used to do disco`s as a sideline.

Miss Cable was a teacher when I was in the 1st year at school she was the year tutor, when we came back after the holidays into the 2nd year they anounced in assembley she had died, I think she died from breast cancer, she was only in her late 20`s I think. There was a cup you could win for getting the most house points in a year named in her memory (the Cable cup). Your right about Schofield the lads fancied her, can`t think why. I can`t remember Warhurst getting married at all, he did have a skin complaint the poor bloke.:) It`s great to hear from someone from St Pete`s :)

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You must tell me your name first!

I was a bit of a wild child at school (i'm a good girl now).

I use to hang around with Clare Dakin (still see her), Theresa Walker, Adele Edwards, Lynn Swarbrick to name a few. You should have guessed by now, mine is the only name missing & with my name on here???

I remember both Jane & Diane. I see Jayne around from time to time, she looks like she's had hard times. I've heard Diane is very glamorous now, although I haven't seen her myself.

I wouldn't have known Miss Cable as I started half way through the second year in 1980.

If you hung around with Jayne & Diane you must have been one of the good girls???:thumbsup:

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Hi, I can place you now dynamicdebz. I`m Shelagh, I think you were in set 3 with me in year 3. Happy days.:thumbsup:

Diane and me did ok that year in school and got moved into set 2 in year 4.

I hated set 2 and tried to get back into set 3 but they wouldn`t let me. I used to go out with Paul Beatson and Diane went out with Simon Monfredi.

As for being a good girl, I never got caned but was in detention a fare few times, usually at hometime so I missed the bus and had to walk through Colley kids on my way home. I rebelled against the teachers in my own way, usually by messing about in class and not doing what they wanted. Towards the end of school I was into heavy metal,so I was never going to be nun material. I left St Pete`s and went on a yts scheme at Stocksbridge college. I got a job from that but got made redundant in Dec 85:(

I have worked for the council for 20 years in a decent job and am more or less happy. Got married in 93 to Dave never had any kids.


Can you remember a lass called Dawn Render?


Diane is very pretty she has her own business and has done well for herself.

How is Clare these days, she might remember Miss Cable.

Jayne has been through some hard times I think which is a shame because shes a nice lass.


What are you up to now dynamicdebz?


:thumbsup: Great to hear from you:thumbsup:

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Yeah I'm fine, got good grades when I left school but I was still in my rebelious era. I even got a O' level for English. I always wanted to be in set 4 to be with my mates. I'm sure i was in set 2 for some lessons & set 3 for others.

I remember who you are & you going out with Paul Beatson. I don't want to appear disrespectful but wasn't there a rumour going about, about you & Paul being found in a stock room together?

I did a YTS, then met my ex, had 2 boys when I was 17 & 19. It was a violent relationship which I eventually escaped from in 1993 (he died a few years later due to alcohol).

I met my now partner in 1995 & we have an 8 year old girl.

Always worked in telesales up to having my daughter.

Since then I have studied law (got A' level equivilent) did a few managment type courses & now run Patientline at NGH (love my job).

I remember Dawn Render, I remember being a bit of a b***ch with her. Actually I was probably a bit of a b***ch with a lot of people, if I ever was with you I apologise, I am now older & wiser.

Clare has 3 kids same sex as mine & similar ages. Her fella has MS.

I was living on Oakfern Grove (High Green) a few years ago & saw Laim Long & Della Mcsweeny. Angela Rice works as a nurse at NGH.

Great hearing from you, get back to me with any other memories!

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Hi, no disrespect taken, it wasn`t me and Paul in that stock room it was Di and Simon, it was in Sykes and Silcocks tutor room they were going to get into deep bother but I explained to Silcock that Di would get into big trouble at home and they ended up with lines instead. I went out with Paul till I was 20 then we split up, I think Di split from Simon soon after leaving school.

Had a few boyfriends before I met Dave at work, we lived at Handsworth and Woodseats and now Shiregreen.

I met Angela Rice`s brother Paul on a course I did last year, nice bloke he told me Angela was a nurse. I also see Sheelagh Whitehead from time to time she has 3 kids and is divorced her new fella seems decent which is good.

I can`t remember you being a b***h with me, I used to get most hassle from the snobby lasses in set 1, but I know what you mean about older and wiser, as soon as you get into your mid 20`s you begin to realise what a horror you were as a teen, must be the hormones.

Patientline is that the tv and phone service in the hospital? It must take a lot of hassle from the nurses answering the phones all the time, and at least you can watch what you want on tv, my mate was in the Northern last year with a bad back and it was a God send.

I was sorry to hear about Clare`s fella, thats bad luck. My fella has motor neurone disease another cruel illness.

As for Dawn Render, she was rather well endowed if you remember, she lived up Grenoside I kept in touch with her after school for a number of years, she ended up moving down South, Surrey I think and we lost touch.

Did you know that Mr Kennedy and O`Conner still teach, I think at Notre Damme. I wonder if more people got together we could invite them out for a sort of reunion, I`ve never seen one for St Pete`s advertised I know other schools have reunions.

Well it`s been lovely to hear from you, keep in touch:)

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OMG: I thought you were sheelagh Whitehead. Now I know who you are!!!

You were slim, dark, curly hair???

You are right I think it was Di & Simon in the stock room, you've got to laugh.

Thats the reason I said about me being a bitch because I can vaguely remember being a little cruel to Sheelagh Whitehead & as for snobby lasses, I use to think Sheelagh Whitehead was a little snobby, perhaps because I was soooo common, lol.

Yep it is the TV & telephone in hospitals but its the patients who get to answer the phone as its at there bedside. Angela has only just qualified as a nurse.

I think we all have our fair share of health problems at our age, me included, I've got an autoimmune disorder that is playing up at the moment.

With Dawn I purposly got the other girls to slag me off to her in the toilet, while I was in the cubicle listening. As soon as she agreed with them, I hit her. Can't remember her name but the PE teacher who took over from Miss Reek saw me hit her & never said a word. I feel quite a shamed now.

I had such a school girl crush on Mr Kennedy & Mr O'connor. Mr Kennedy was my form tutor for the last year. He use to ask me if I was ok & ould listen & advice me on boyfriend trouble. I always thought he understood me. Bet they're old & grey now, lol.

Can't remember her surname but I remember asking Bridget for a fight & I was gobsmacked when she said ok. She was supposed to say no but she didn't & I couldn't back out then. So with a crowd around us we let rip in the playground & I must admit she gave as good as she got. Then Mr Kennedy picked me up & pulled me away screaming & shouting.

I've spoken to some one else before about a school reunion but then I think I was young & slim back then & I would be embarrased if everyone was so glamorous & then theres poor me, lol.

BTW, do you know we are practically neighbours, I live at Ecclesfield, probably pass each other on a weekly basis.

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