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Barracco barner is our president?

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My samsung fame also predicts the spelling of both names correctly.


I have to admit, I have no idea (nor interest) when it comes to politics. If you gave me the name of any politician, I wouldn't be able to tell you what party they represent. I don't vote either. It really isn't something that interests me in the slightest. My younger brother and sister have the same attitude. It's not because we're thick or uneducated, I just don't think younger people have much interest in politics now.


What would it take to get you interested angel?

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Perhaps you could tell me why then we spend all this money on 600+ MPs, and backroom staff, the houses of Parliament, thousands of civil servants who work there, millions of pounds on think tanks, focus groups, advisors, research groups, quangos, pollsters, lawyers, and don't get me started on the House of Lords, and the European Parliament....


All to make absolutely no difference whatsoever to an ordinary persons life?


Pretty much. The quality of my daily life is determined by how much my employer pays me, how much my mortgage provider and energy suppliers charge me and the cost of food at my local supermarket. Other factors are my health, the welfare of my loved ones, the weather, how well my football team is doing,etc.


The government can't really do anything about any of these factors, short of raising or lowering taxes here and there. That's why I believe they make no difference to the average person's quality of life and why I and most other people of my generation have little interest in politics.

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Pretty much. The quality of my daily life is determined by how much my employer pays me, how much my mortgage provider and energy suppliers charge me and the cost of food at my local supermarket. Other factors are my health, the welfare of my loved ones, the weather, how well my football team is doing,etc.


The government can't really do anything about any of these factors, short of raising or lowering taxes here and there. That's why I believe they make no difference to the average person's quality of life and why I and most other people of my generation have little interest in politics.


Ridiculous post.


All the above are directly affected by government legislation. Try getting old or ill for instance and see how much difference the cuts have made.

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Pretty much. The quality of my daily life is determined by how much my employer pays me, how much my mortgage provider and energy suppliers charge me and the cost of food at my local supermarket. Other factors are my health, the welfare of my loved ones, the weather, how well my football team is doing,etc.


The government can't really do anything about any of these factors, short of raising or lowering taxes here and there. That's why I believe they make no difference to the average person's quality of life and why I and most other people of my generation have little interest in politics.


depending who your employer is, how much they can afford to pay you is determined in part by the state of the economy which is affected by government policy


how much tax you pay on your earnings is set by the government


the level of interest rates on which your mortgage repayments are based are, in part, determined by the level of interest rates generally which is, in part determined by the rate of inflation and the state of the economy, both of which are affected by government policy


energy costs are partly calculated on the cost of generation of the electricity and cost of production of the gas, which includes various taxes and levies payable by the energy companies directly to the government - in addition the amount you pay is subject to taxes levied by the government which you are paying directly


many items you pay for are subject to VAT, which is set by the government - even the cost of foodstuffs, whilst not usually subject to VAT, is, in part, determined by the level of taxes (fuel duty etc) that the producers and suppliers have to pay - all of these are determined by the government and have a direct impact on the cost of food in the shops


your health may not be directly affected by the government, but the level of treatment you receive when you suffer from ill health is, as is the standard of education you and your loved ones received and any children will receive in the future


national government also directly affects how much you pay in council tax, which affects the level of service you get from the police, fire service, rubbish collection etc


they probably don't have much impact on how your favourite football team performs, but they do have an impact, in a small part, on the cost of the ticket you buy to watch them and the conditions in the ground in which you watch them

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'If barracco barmer is our president, why is he getting involved with Russia?'


So tweeted a 20 year old young lady with 17 GCSEs.


I'm not about to join in the general mirth and backlash against this poor young woman, she's had enough of that already, but I do think it demonstrates perfectly the absurd lack of knowledge amongst many people out there with regards to politics.


Do they not realise how much politics affect them in their everyday life? Do they never watch the news or read a paper? Have they no idea what's going on?


No wonder our politicians can get away with murder, and we get so royally ripped off.


In these difficult times, how can we make people see how important it is to get involved and hold people to account?


I'm not surprised to see that later in your post you turn it into an anti Tory rant. As usual.


Care to comment on the fact that this 20 year old started her education under a new Labour government, and no doubt ended it under that government?


The same government that got into power on the back of 'Education, Education, Education'.


The same government that lavished spending on 'disadvantaged' areas (such as Blackpool where this girl is from). And for what? This level of stupidity and ignorance.




As for your 'In these difficult times' statement: what difficult times? Things are no worse than they have EVER been. Unless of course your glass is permanently half empty.

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Things are no different? We certainly aren't always struggling to exit a global recession and having government 'austerity' measures implement.


---------- Post added 13-03-2014 at 15:39 ----------


Pretty much. The quality of my daily life is determined by how much my employer pays me, how much my mortgage provider and energy suppliers charge me and the cost of food at my local supermarket. Other factors are my health, the welfare of my loved ones, the weather, how well my football team is doing,etc.


The government can't really do anything about any of these factors, short of raising or lowering taxes here and there. That's why I believe they make no difference to the average person's quality of life and why I and most other people of my generation have little interest in politics.


On the contrary, the government has a massive effect on practically all those things. With the exception of the weather and the football.

Short of raising or lower taxes, well, that's a large effect straight away. Taxes of so many kinds, corporate, personal, VAT, fuel duty, and so on. They also indirectly set the base rate that affects your mortgage, determine the financial regulations that affect it and so on. They regulate the energy suppliers and add on even more tax there in the form of green levies and so on. They have some affect on the costs of everyday goods at supermarkets. They determine the priorities and funding for the NHS, which is irrelevant whilst your health is good, but becomes important if you or your loved ones need help...


In short, politics and the actions of government affect you every day in a million ways.


---------- Post added 13-03-2014 at 15:40 ----------


Cuts have made no difference to me getting older or ill. In fact I've go a brand new medical centre near me, operating longer hours, with in-store chemist.


And who's to say it wouldn't be a better facility if massive cuts hadn't taken place?


Or who's to say that you get hurt tomorrow and the ambulance takes 2 minutes too long to reach you do to staff shortages. I guess you wouldn't be posting about it, but that would be a pretty fundamental affect.

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I'm not surprised to see that later in your post you turn it into an anti Tory rant. As usual.


Care to comment on the fact that this 20 year old started her education under a new Labour government, and no doubt ended it under that government?


The same government that got into power on the back of 'Education, Education, Education'.


The same government that lavished spending on 'disadvantaged' areas (such as Blackpool where this girl is from). And for what? This level of stupidity and ignorance.




As for your 'In these difficult times' statement: what difficult times? Things are no worse than they have EVER been. Unless of course your glass is permanently half empty.


If you read a few of my posts on other threads I think you'll find I dislike both major parties just about equally.


As for things being no worse than they've ever been,just for starters try savings with almost 0% interest for 5 years and inflation at '3%', Private pensions halved, Quantative easing, jobs, investment and prosperity disappearing down the road South (70% of investment is in London, the other 30% has to be shared amongst the whole of the rest of the country,) cuts to just about every public service you can mention, food banks, poverty increasing and the gap between rich and poor growing ever wider.


But if none of that affects you that's just dandy, but spare a thought for those that are affected. Millions of them.

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A big fuss over nothing about someone, probably not speaking English as a first language mispelling the name of the US President.


How many on here can correctly spell the name of the recently deposed Ukrainian President without looking it up on the net first?


Time better spent discussing the price of fish at the market than bolaxing someone over a minor mistake

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