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Barracco barner is our president?

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If you read a few of my posts on other threads I think you'll find I dislike both major parties just about equally.


As for things being no worse than they've ever been,just for starters try savings with almost 0% interest for 5 years and inflation at '3%', Private pensions halved, Quantative easing, jobs, investment and prosperity disappearing down the road South (70% of investment is in London, the other 30% has to be shared amongst the whole of the rest of the country,) cuts to just about every public service you can mention, food banks, poverty increasing and the gap between rich and poor growing ever wider.


But if none of that affects you that's just dandy, but spare a thought for those that are affected. Millions of them.


No sorry, your posts are anti Tory. And you skip around the fact that this girl is a product of a Labour education.


As for the rest, there has NEVER been a time when we haven't suffered from some/most/all of the points you raise. There's always someone losing their job. Always someone who's savings aren't growing or mortgage is too high. Always someone getting evicted. Always someone struggling to make ends meet. Always someone complaining of the gap between rich and poor growing. Always someone complaining about homelessness. Always has been. Always will be. These times are no different.


Unless you have a whiny agenda and your cup is permanently half empty.

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What am I, a medical clinical designer? I don't even know the details of the current one.


Are you telling me though that you think it's perfect, and that with more money it or some other NHS service couldn't be improved?

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No sorry, your posts are anti Tory. And you skip around the fact that this girl is a product of a Labour education.


As for the rest, there has NEVER been a time when we haven't suffered from some/most/all of the points you raise. There's always someone losing their job. Always someone who's savings aren't growing or mortgage is too high. Always someone getting evicted. Always someone struggling to make ends meet. Always someone complaining of the gap between rich and poor growing. Always someone complaining about homelessness. Always has been. Always will be. These times are no different.


Unless you have a whiny agenda and your cup is permanently half empty.


This girl supposedly has 17 GCSEs, alas Current Affairs or Poilitics were not among them, but that does not mean that the education system has failed her.


As for your second point, apart from Barings Bank which was brought down by one rogue dealer, Nick Leeson, when did you last hear of a bank going bust, much less a mainstream high street bank, before this financial crisis? Let alone a whole bunch of them? Everything stems from that and the reverberations are still being felt.


You really don't seem to know much about this financial crisis. Quantative easing is propping the banks up and is costing us Billions - that has never happened before. Interest rates have NEVER before been below 1% for so long. The gap between rich and poor has NEVER been this big or grown this fast. We are living through an unprecidented time.


I wish it wasn't so, but just because it isn't hitting the headlines every day doesn't mean it isn't happening. There's an election in 2015. Just because the government are telling us things are on the mend, doesn't make it true. There's an election in 2015.

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I can't see how she has 17 GCSE's and there were 2 A Levels one in Travel and the other in Tourism. Thank the Daily Mail for making her the lead headline.


Can someone sit and acheive 17 GCSE's, We did 7 when I was at school:confused::confused:

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So why say it then if you don't know?


You need to read what I said again and have a think about it.


"Who's to say that it wouldn't be better?".


It's a question, not a statement, and I certainly didn't say that I knew specifically that this one facility could be improved in a specific way.


I note that whilst keen to ask me question you don't seem very keen to answer them yourself...


"Are you telling me though that you think it's perfect, and that with more money it or some other NHS service couldn't be improved? "


No answer?

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This girl supposedly has 17 GCSEs, alas Current Affairs or Poilitics were not among them, but that does not mean that the education system has failed her.


As for your second point, apart from Barings Bank which was brought down by one rogue dealer, Nick Leeson, when did you last hear of a bank going bust, much less a mainstream high street bank, before this financial crisis? Let alone a whole bunch of them? Everything stems from that and the reverberations are still being felt.


You really don't seem to know much about this financial crisis. Quantative easing is propping the banks up and is costing us Billions - that has never happened before. Interest rates have NEVER before been below 1% for so long. The gap between rich and poor has NEVER been this big or grown this fast. We are living through an unprecidented time.


I wish it wasn't so, but just because it isn't hitting the headlines every day doesn't mean it isn't happening. There's an election in 2015. Just because the government are telling us things are on the mend, doesn't make it true. There's an election in 2015.


Any suggestion that this girl has 17 GCSE's is ludicrous.


But even if she has a significant number, it shows that the education system is failing if she has qualifications but no 'common sense'. But that is the result of an education (education, education) system that gives kids any number of qualifications they 'want' in order for them to not 'feel like a failure'. Then fills their heads with ideas that they will walk into comfy middle management jobs in media etc. etc. For that I blame teachers.


With regard to the rest of your point, you may identify things that are unique to this time. But that doesn't deflect from my point: There has never been a time when someone isn't suggesting the current time is the worst. This is no different. For all the blustering about how bad times are, I know very few who have really been affected in recent times. And those that have probably would have been anyway as there are ALWAYS redundancies, unemployment, 'poverty' etc.


This time is no different. Pick a new tune.

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I note that whilst keen to ask me question you don't seem very keen to answer them yourself...


"Are you telling me though that you think it's perfect, and that with more money it or some other NHS service couldn't be improved? "


No answer?


Yes, I think it's perfect. I cannot think how it could be improved.


Happy now? Or just arguing for the sake of it?

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