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Bob Crow has died..

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June 14th 2014 Orgreave, 30years festival.

Bob was to be a main speaker there, a show of solidarity from the working classes to a group of workers still revered today.

I will be attending, God willing, and will show my respect to the people who's lives were changed/destroyed forever by Thatcher.


It's refreshing to know that the majority of comments on this forum have been respectfull to a true friend of the workers, I would expect nothing else from true Sheffielders, who's lives have been affected by right wing governments more than most.

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If you're referring to "unions getting mardy", are you referring to the 600,000NHS staff who aren't getting a 1% pay rise?

The RCN and other Trade Unions can't just strike because Bob Crow has passed away, there is a lengthy process that needs to be followed - but why let facts get in the way of having a go at a group of workers :roll:





Last year I got a quarter of a percent. Same year before.

My partner got 0% for the past couple of years.

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The job of a union, and a union leader, is to protect the interests of the union members. Thanks to Bob Crow, train and tube drivers are pretty much the only 'working class' jobs in London that pay a decent enough wage to support a family.


Whether you like him or not, he did his job and did it well.


He wasn't afraid to stand up to politicians (and remember he spent half his time fighting a Labour government and a Labour Mayor of London).


If we had a few more like him, maybe other industries would be in a better position. This is a wealthy country and when there is so much hatred towards the bankers, it surprises me that some people vilify Bob Crow for standing up for the ordinary man.


And even if you did disagree with what he stood for, even if like me you've had to endure bus journeys from hell because the tube was on strike (again), even if you own shares in First Group or Stagecoach and are angry that your dividend wasn't as big as it could have been... 52 is no age to go. RIP Bob. We won't see the likes of you again.

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The job of a union, and a union leader, is to protect the interests of the union members. Thanks to Bob Crow, train and tube drivers are pretty much the only 'working class' jobs in London that pay a decent enough wage to support a family.


Whether you like him or not, he did his job and did it well.


He wasn't afraid to stand up to politicians (and remember he spent half his time fighting a Labour government and a Labour Mayor of London).


If we had a few more like him, maybe other industries would be in a better position. This is a wealthy country and when there is so much hatred towards the bankers, it surprises me that some people vilify Bob Crow for standing up for the ordinary man.


And even if you did disagree with what he stood for, even if like me you've had to endure bus journeys from hell because the tube was on strike (again), even if you own shares in First Group or Stagecoach and are angry that your dividend wasn't as big as it could have been... 52 is no age to go. RIP Bob. We won't see the likes of you again.


Great post Andy, I liked Bob.


Crow went on to set out the aims of a trade unionist: "Job security, being safe, best possible pay, best possible conditions, decent pensions, and a world that lives in peace."

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